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92 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 1185 (2017)
Dignity and Discrimination: Employment Civil Rights in the Workplace and in Courts

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                             LAURA   BETH  NIELSEN*
                               ELLEN  C. BERREY**
                             ROBERT   L. NELSON***

                                I. INTRODUCTION'

     Gerry  Handley   (plaintiff): They would like always  bring up these  ra-
cial conversations  and make   these racial jokes . . . I'd just ignore them. I
wouldn't  laugh  or I wouldn't  listen in . . .. They started talking about in-
cest, and they  started talking about blacks  from  slavery time, you  know,
they bred  them  and  sold them,  and they  inbred them   down  in the south.
And  I'm  from down   south ... they told me a lot of the blacks had sex with
their daughters and stuff like that, way back from the Caribbeans  [sic]. And
I would just sit there listening like, Oh my God, I know  they're not saying
this. And the guy  asked me,  he said, 'did I ever have sex with my  daugh-
ter.' And so-
     Laura  Beth Nielsen: He  asked you  if you had sex with your daughter?
     Handley:  Yeah.
     Nielsen: And  this is your boss or your manager?
     Handley:  He  was like my  lead.2
     When   ordinary  employees,  like Gerry  Handley   (P14)  quoted here,
face what  they  perceive to be  discrimination  in the workplace,  state and
federal law  may  provide  redress and  restitution.3 As the remedy   for em-

* Professor of sociology and the director of legal studies at Northwestern University and a research
professor at the American Bar Foundation.
** Assistant professor of sociology at the University of Toronto and an affiliated scholar of the Ameri-
can Bar Foundation.
*** Robert and Connie MacCrate Chair in Research on the Legal Profession at the American Bar
Foundation and a professor of sociology and law at Northwestern University.
    1. This article revisits data from our book. See generally ELLEN BERREY, ROBERT L. NELSON &
INEQUALITY (2017). In that book, we use a different theoretical framework but the concept of employ-
ment civil rights as a dignity taking was too interesting to pass up. Id.
    2. Rights on Trial Audio Recordings (selections): Chapter 1, Gerry Handley's Story, ELLEN
BERREY, SOCIOLOGIST, https://www.ellenberrey.com/audio [https://perma.cc/D238-LJJT] [hereinafter
Gerry Handley's Story].
    3. All names of research participants are pseudonyms.


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