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10 McGill J.L. & Health S69 (2016-2017)
A Missed Opportunity: Affirming the Section 15 Equality Argument against Physician-Assisted Death

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                     Maneesha Deckha *

In the 2012 decision of Carter v Canada
(AG) the British Columbia Supreme Court
found that Section 15 equality rights under
the Canadian Charter of Rights and Free-
doms were infringed by the blanket prohibi-
tion against assisted death in the Criminal
Code. Madam  Justice Lynn Smith's appli-
cation of the substantive equality model is
a critical factor in the judgment, enabling a
responsive and nuanced understanding of
disability, the systemic disadvantages that
people with disabilities experience, and the
disability rights responses to physician-as-
sisted death. Her equality analysis also ex-
hibits a respect for the agency of those in
vulnerable positions because of their physic-
al health. These dimensions lead to a sophis-
ticated judicial treatment of the disability
rights debate on physician-assisted death in
the Section 15 portion of the trial decision.
The views of disability scholars feature sig-
nificantly in this portion of the decision and
the diverse perspectives within the disability
community  about physician-assisted death
are synthesized and explored. The Section

En 2012, dans l'arret Carter v Canada (PG),
la Cour supreme  de la Colombie-Britan-
nique a statud que l'interdiction gdndrale de
l'aide mdicale a mourir par le Code crimi-
nel violait le droit au traitement 6gal garanti
par larticle 15 de la Charte canadienne des
droits et libertis. L'application du cadre jur-
idique de l'6galit6 rdelle par la juge Lynn
Smith est un facteur d6terminant de cet ar-
ret et permet une comprehension nuancde et
r6ceptive du handicap, des d6savantages sys-
timiques que les personnes avec un handi-
cap rencontrent et des rdponses possibles a
l'aide mdicale a mourir d'un point de vue
du droit des personnes avec un handicap.
Son analyse fondde sur larticle 15 illustre
6galement un respect pour la capacit6 des
personnes en situation de vulndrabilit6 due
a leur sante physique. Ces dimensions sup-
portent un traitement juridique sophistiqud
du d6bat sur les droits des personnes avec
un handicap et sur l'aide mdicale a mourir,
lequel est abord6 dans la d6cision de pre-
mi&re instance. C'est effectivement dans
les portions d6dides a l'analyse fondde sur

*   BA  (McGill), LLB   (Toronto), LLM   (Columbia); Professor and  Lansdowne
    Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria. The author would like to thank
    the Social Sciences and Humanities Research  Council of Canada for research

                           0 Maneesha  Deckha  2016

  Citation: Maneesha Deckha, A  Missed Opportunity: Affirming the Section 15
  Equality Argument against Physician-Assisted Death (2016) 10:1 McGill JL &
                                  Health S69.

Rf6rence   : Maneesha Deckha, << A Missed Opportunity: Affirming the Section 15
Equality Argument  against Physician-Assisted Death >> (2016) 10 : 1 RD & sant6
                                 McGill  S69.

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