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12 Chi.-Kent J. Env't Energy L. 1 (2022-2023)
Emerging Agrivoltaic Regulatory Systems: A Review of Solar Grazing

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                            SOLAR   GRAZING

                  Jessica Guarino   and Tyler  Swanson

    In recent years, tensions have grown in rural communities in response
to rapid development  of utility-scale solar energy production facilities over
the proper  use of rural land, particularly between agricultural and solar
energy  production.  Ongoing   land use  tension between  agriculture and
solar energy production  has motivated some  landowners to co-locate solar
panels and  crops or livestock on the same plot of land in a process called
agrivoltaics. The evolution of agrivoltaics from an experimental land use
strategy  to a viable diversification method for farmers  necessitates an
analysis of existing zoning laws, tax policies, and contractual agreements
that farmers must abide  by-and  which  may inhibit the full development of
agrivoltaics into an  industry. This article analyzes existing agrivoltaics
policy by  reviewing the history of how  agricultural land use has shifted
over  time as well as by examining  existing zoning and taxation laws for
agrivoltaics. Further, this article applies the evidence analyzed  to the
rapidly growing  practice of solar grazing, a subfield of agrivoltaics that
involves farmers  grazing sheep  and  other livestock on utility-scale solar
energy  facilities. The article reviews existing grazing contracts and best
practices from  adjacent grazing industries to offer regulatory insights for
the  developing agrivoltaics industry. The  article concludes by positing
further  research questions  and proposing   legislative reforms that may
provide  a friendlier legal landscape for agrivoltaics and other dual-use
operations at the nexus of agriculture and renewable energy.


The  desire for vast tracts of open land used  to develop new  renewable
energy  systems  in the  21st century has led to tension over whether  to
allocate land for agricultural or energy uses; fortunately, these two land uses
need  not  compete.  Growing  fruit and grazing sheep  beneath  vast solar
arrays represent some  of the most promising combinations  of land uses in
recent times. Agrivoltaics is a dual-use approach allowing land to generate
power  from  solar photovoltaics (PV), commonly  known  solar panels, with
agricultural production   to generate  solar  power   and  produce   food
simultaneously.1 As  research has  expanded  the possibilities of coupling

' Stephan Schindele et al., Implementation ofAgrophotovoltaics: Techno-economic Analysis of the
Price-Performance Ratio and its Policy Implications, 265 APPLIED ENERGY 2 (2020),

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