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8 E. Eur. Const. Rev. 47 (1999)
The End of Merciarism

handle is hein.journals/eeurcr8 and id is 47 raw text is: Special Reports

A Vladimir Meciar retrospective

The End of Meciarism
M. Steven Fish

s lovakia's postcommunist and postindependence
political experience has been characterized by a
phenomenon unique in East Central Europe:
ochlocracy, or rule by the rabble. For nearly a half-
decade, leading up to the parliamentary elections of
late September 1998, Slovakia was governed by a
coalition of misanthropes and harlequins, headed by a
politically wily but mentally unbalanced prime
minister, Vladimir Meciar. From 1994 until 1998,
Meciar lorded    over a   parliamentary  coalition
consisting of his own Movement for a Democratic
Slovakia (MDS), a party as misnamed as Vladimir
Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
(LDPR); a small, extremist communist party, the
Association of Workers of Slovakia (AWS); and the
Slovak National Party (SNP), an organization whose
fascist stripes are set in bolder relief than those ofJean-
Marie Le Pen's National Front in France. Until the fall
1998 elections defeated their coalition, these three
parties controlled 82 of the 150 seats in Slovakia's all-
powerful unicameral national legislature, and they
relegated the liberal, confessional, and social-demo-
cratic parties to political impotence. Meciar established
a regime based on thuggery, incompetence, and
contempt for the law.
What was Meciarism? What will follow it? What
does the Meciar experience reveal about broader polit-
ical  questions   relating  to   authoritarianism,
democratization, and political institutions?

The anatomy of Meciarism
Meciar built more than a government. He created a
regime of a particular type. In organizational and insti-
tutional terms, Meciarism was characterized by
personalization and de-ideologization of the party and
by partyization of the state. Personalization of the
MDS, which had its roots in the Public Against
Violence, involved a process of encouraging or forcing
the departure from the party of nearly all of the many
capable-and in many cases, liberal-members who
had staffed the organization's ranks in its formative
years. It also included recruiting a new mass of mostly
poorly educated and economically marginalized
people who were attracted to the party exclusively ,by
their loyalty to Meciar himself. By 1994, most of the
organization's original leaders had quit. This slow-
motion coup enabled Meciar to assert full control and
eliminate potential rivals. Personalization went hand-
in-hand with de-ideologization. If the party was to be
completely personalized, it had to be stripped of any
genuine ideological or programmatic content that
could constrain the leader, constitute a standard against
which his performance could be judged, or serve as an
alternative source of loyalty and motivation. By mid-
decade, the closest thing that the party had to a set of
principles was an amorphous, eclectic, and deceitful
antiliberalism. The party worked to sabotage Slovak
integration  into  European    institutions-Meciar
correctly perceived himself as utterly unacceptable to

WINTER/SPRING 1999                                                                                                       47

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