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68 Ala. L. Rev. 1 (2016-2017)
Sexual Advance Directives

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                         Alexander  A. Boni-Saenz*

ABSTRACT        .................................................2
INTRODUCTION              ....................................     ..........2
I. CONSENT,  CAPACITY,   AND  ADVANCE DIRECTIVES           .     .................6
       A.   Consent and  Capacity...........   .................6
       B.  Advance   Directives                        ..............................10
       C.  Persistent Incapacity and  the Institutional Context...............14
II. SEX AND TEMPORAL SELVES        ................................18
       A.   The Case For  and Against  Advance  Directives     .    ...........19
       B.   The Consensus  of Consents     .........................      26
       C.   The Problem  of Silence...........................30
       A.  Ensuring  the Consensus  of Consents    .............     .....34
            1. Prospective  Consent, Execution, and  Form....................34
            2. Contemporaneous Affirmative Consent ..............39
       B.   Third-Party Oversight  and Fiduciary Duties      ...   ............42
CONCLUSION                                   ...............................................47

    *  Assistant Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law. abonisae@kentlaw.iit.edu. For
helpful suggestions and comments, I would like to thank Kerry Abrams, Sarah Abramowicz, Lori
Andrews, Kathy Baker, Carmelo Barbaro, Rabia Belt, Michael Boucai, Chris Buccafusco, Mary Anne
Case, Deb Dinner, Lee Fennell, Andy Gilden, Sarah Harding, David Horton, Ummni Khan, Suzanne
Kim, Nina Kohn, Myrisha Lewis, Kaipo Matsumura, Martha Nussbaum, Dara Purvis, Chris Schmidt,
Deb Tuerkheimer, the editors at the Alabama Law Review, and workshop participants at the Trusts and
Estates and Aging and the Law Section Panels at the American Association of Law Schools Annual
Meeting, the Chicago-Kent Faculty Workshop, the Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference, and
the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, where I presented earlier versions of this Article.


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