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4 Probs. Communism 17 (1955)
Brazil's CP: A Case Study in Latin-American Communism

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came they somehow failed to put their program
across.14 Perhaps their Indian counterparts will be
more fortunate. We have after all learned a great
deal since then, both about the operation of a mixed
economy and about the dangers of headlong indus-
trialization under dictatorial control.

Totalitarianism a Deadly Solution
WHATEVER the precise path of economic de-
      velopment taken by underdeveloped countries,
there will remain the formidable problem of reshaping
the attitudes of those key groups upon whose per-
formance economic progress depends. Politically, the
problem is how this reshaping can be done under a
democratic form of government which excludes the
  14 The Narodniks, as we know, advocated a Socialist system based
on the indigenous Russian village commune (mir) and brought about
by the peasants rather than by the industrial proletariat. The
essentials of this program were adopted in the early 20th century by
the Social Revolutionaries, who, it will be recalled, won a majority
of votes to the democratic Constituent Assembly after the March
1917 revolution, but failed-partly through lack of efficient organi-
zation-to put their program into effect before the Bolshevik coup of
November 1917.

authoritarian manipulation of popular attitudes
through an all-embracing system of propaganda and
control. Perhaps the best answer that can be given
at this date is that the process will inevitably be
somewhat slower than under totalitarianism.
  Yet the element of planning will enter no matter
what the political philosophy:
A country which chooses the democratic path to economic
development must devise new and effective methods of
capital formation which at the same time are democratic
in spirit.15
The operative words are clearly chooses and
devise. Choices cannot be made by the country
as a whole, at least at the present stage, but only by
its politically conscious minority, i.e., by the intelli-
gentsia. The intelligentsia's belief or disbelief in the
efficacy of the democratic process thus turns out to
be the crucial element in the situation. Nor is this
necessarily cause for lament. Intellectuals, after all,
are trained to think, and thinking may yet suggest to
them that totalitarianism is only one solution
among others, and a rather deadly one at that.
  15 Staley, op. cit., p. 266.

Brazil's CP: A Case Study in

Latin-American Communism

By Robert J. Alexander

SINCE World War II the Communist Party of
    Brazil has been the largest and most influential
Stalinist group anywhere in the American hemisphere.
A survey of its activities is important not only as a
case study of regional Communist strategy but as a
subject of vital significance considering the key loca-
tion, size, rapid development and growing weight in
international affairs of the United States of Brazil.
  The postwar strategy and tactics of the Brazilian
CP, like those of virtually all Communist parties,
fall roughly into two periods demarcated by the
  Mr. Alexander is an Associate Professor of Economics at Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and a recognized authority
on Latin America. This article is based on a chapter from his forth-
coming book on communism in Latin America.

emergence of Moscow's cold war in earnest. The
wide divergencies in the Brazilian Communists' poli-
cies and appeals in these two periods, and the seeming
ease with which the switch was effected, demonstrate
the dangerous flexibility and expedience of local
Communist movements and, in particular, their will-
ingness to adapt to the foreign policy needs of the
Soviet Union.

The Early Postwar Period: The Drive for a Mass
T HE Brazilian Communists emerged from World
    War II with full legal status for the first time in
many years. The legitimization of the party was the
result of a relaxation of the dictatorship of Getulio

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