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20 EC Tax Rev. 305 (2011)
Liechtenstein Tax Treaties: Ramifications on EEA-WHT Reclaims?

handle is hein.kluwer/ectaxrev0020 and id is 305 raw text is: Forum
Liechtenstein Tax Treaties:Ramifications on
EEA- WHT Reclaims?
Dr Alexander         Lindemann, was        Head   of the    European   Financial ServicesDesk    with
PricewaterhouseCoopers Switzerland. Since September 2011, he is Head of Business Development
Fund Solutions with Credit Suisse Asset Management
Christian Glewwe & Georg Wohigemuth, are Members of the European Financial Services
Desk with PricewaterhouseCoopers Switzerland
Aim of this article is to examine the possibility for Liechtenstein Investment Funds' to apply for a refund of discriminatory withholding
taxes before tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) or a double tax treaty (DTT) was concluded with the respective EU/EEA
Member State. In the light of recent tax treaties such as the DTT with Germany just signed, based on decisions made by the European
Court of Justice (ECJ) in the recent past, this article is analysing whether the restriction of capital movement between the EU/EEA
Member States can be justified in case of Liechtenstein Investment Funds using a tax evasion argumentation.

Since 2005, Liechtenstein has signed more then twenty
tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs) and
double tax treaties (DTTs) including with Germany,
France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland,
Great Britain, and    Luxembourg    -   all  of them
incorporating Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) Standard according to Article
26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention. Where TIEAs
have been signed, in a second step, DTTs are being
negotiated.2 Since June 2008, Liechtenstein has been
offering to all EU/EEA Member States the OECD
Standard in the international cooperation in tax issues
under modern bilateral agreements. On 12 March 2009,
the Liechtenstein government has widened this offer
worldwide and has acknowledged the OECD tax
information exchange standard as binding for itself
worldwide ('Liechtenstein Declaration'). In addition,
Liechtenstein has signed the protocol for the association
of Schengen and, as part of this, negotiated a multilateral
Anti-Fraud Agreement with the EU/EEA Member States.
The Anti-Fraud Agreement is currently going its way
through the EU/EEA legislative process and is expected
to be implemented during the course of 2011. It
provides for administrative assistance in the form of
exchange of relevant information in case of tax fraud and
similar offences with all twenty-nine EU/EEA Member
Liechtenstein Investment Funds mean an investment through an
investment company or a collective trusteeship (see Point 2 for
more details).
2 Liechtenstein is currently negotiatingtfurther OECD TIEAs and
DTTs with Italy, Spain, and Nordic countries (e.g., Finland,
Norway, and Sweden).

States without backward limitation as well as relevant
legal assistance. The agreement will - unlike a directive -
enter into force directly without further implementation
Collective investment undertakings under the Law of 19
May 2005 on Investment Undertakings (Investment
Undertakings Act, IUA) could be carried out mainly
through  an   investment company    or a   collective
The investment company can be characterized as a
corporation with an own legal personality and unlimited
duration that can issue and redeem shares at any time.
Further, each investor of the investment company is
obliged to pay an amount equal to the net asset value
(NAV) of their share in the investment company to
participate in the profits in relation to the NAV Thus,
the  investment company     could  be  seen  as the
Liechtenstein equivalent to a Luxembourg or French
Societ& d'Investissement A Capital Variable (SICAV).
The collective trusteeship on the other side has no
legal personality. The rights of the investor are derived
from the thoughts of a trusteeship. Similar to the
investment company is the unlimited duration of the
collective trusteeship and the participation in the profits
in relation to the NAV. Overall, the collective trusteeship
is comparable to a Luxembourg or French Fonds
Commun de Placement (FCP).
3 Otherwise, a collective investment undertaking could be carried
out by bank internal fund assets.

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