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16 U. Fla. L. Rev. 622 (1963-1964)
Fraud on the Innkeeper: The Need for Legislative Reform

handle is hein.journals/uflr16 and id is 642 raw text is: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA LAW REVIEW

Every state has recognized the need for criminal legislation for the
protection of the innkeeper or hotel owner against fraudulent guests.'
The problems in this area are unique due to the transient nature of the
guests, the general and unqualified extension of credit, and the fact
that the commodity dispensed is in the form of good will and intan-
gible services rather than tangible property. The scope of this note
will be confined to the legal problems of the innkeeper2 concerning
fraudulent guests, with particular emphasis on the weakness and need
for improvement of present legislation in this field.
A conservative estimate indicates 'that Florida hotel and motel
owners were defrauded to the extent of over a half-million dollars
in 1962.3 This problem is particularly pressing in Florida because of
the influx of the professional skip artist during the lucrative winter
season. Other states are confronted with the problem in degrees vary-
1. ALA. CODE tit. 24, §§18, 19 (Supp. 1961); ALAsKA STAT. §11.20.480
(1962); A=uz. REv. STAT. ANN. §13-818 (Supp. 1963); Aux. STAT. ANN. §§41-
1908,-1909 (1947); CAL. PEN. CODE §587; CoLO. REV. STAT. ANN. §§68-1-1 to
-1-3 (1953); CONN. GEN. STAT. REv. §53-371 (1958); DEL. CODE ANN. tit. 11,
§602 (1953); FLA. STAT. §§509.151, .161, .162 (1963); GA. CODE ANN. §§52-
9903 to -9905 (1933); HAwAII REv. LAws §272-1 (1955); IDAHO CODE ANN.
§§18-3107, -3108 (1947); ILL. REV. STAT. ch. 71, §§31, 32 (1961); INn. ANN.
STAT. §§37-201, -202, -204, -205, -206 (1949); IowA CODE §§718.7, .8 (1963);
Kw. GEN. STAT. ANN. §§36-201, -203, -206, -207, -208 (1949); Ky. REV. STAT.
§§373.340, 434.290 (1963); LA. REv. STAT. §§21:21, :22 (1950); ME. REv. STAT.
ANN., ch. 100, §§42-46 (1954); MND. ANN. CODE art. 27, §§161, 162 (1957);
MAss. GEN. LAws ch. 140, §§12-14 (1932); Micn. Comp. LAws §§28.502-.504
(1948); MINN. STAT. §§327.05-.08 (1961); Miss. CODE ANN. §§7154-7158
(1952); Mo. REV. STAT. §419.080 (1959); MONT. REv. CODE ANN. §94-3550
(1947); NEB. REV. STAT. §§41-124, -125, -127, -128 (1960); NEV. REv. STAT.
§§108.480, 205.445 (1960); N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. §580:6 (1955); N.J. REv.
STAT. §2A:111-19 (1951); N.M. STAT. ANN. §§40A-16-16 to -18 (Supp. 1963);
N.Y. PEN. LAw §925; N.C. GmT. STAT. §§14-110 (1953), 44-30 (1950); OHIo
REv. CODE ANN. §2911.14 (Page 1954); Oxr... STAT. tit. 21, §1503 (1961); OnE.
REV. STAT. §165.230 (1961); PA. STAT. ANN. tit. 18, §4871 (1945); R.I. GEN.
LAws ANN. §11-18-26 (1956); S.C. CODE ANN. §35-3, -5, -6 (1962); S.D. CODE
§18.4206 (1939); TENN. CODE ANN. §§62-707 to -709 (1955); TEX. PEN. CODE
art. 1551 (1948); UTAH CODE ANN. §§38-2-2, 73-31-1 (Supp. 1963); VT. STAT.
ANN. tit. 13, §2010 (1958); VA. CODE ANN. §18.1-120 (1960); WAsH. REv. CODE
§19.48.110 (1957); W. VA. CODE ANN. §4981 (1961); Wis. STAT. §943.21
(1961); WyO. STAT. ANN. §§33-249 to -251 (1957).
2. The term innkeeper shall hereinafter be used to refer collectively to hotel,
motel, motor court, apartment house, boarding house, rooming house, inn, trailer
park, and restaurant proprietors, keepers, and managers.
. Interview With David Arpin, Executive Vice President of the Florida

[Vol. XVI

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