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13 Melb. U. L. Rev. 475 (1981-1982)
Je Maintiendrai v. Quaglia - Promissory Estoppel in Australia

handle is hein.journals/mulr13 and id is 485 raw text is: When exhibits are sent into the jury room it is understood that the jury are at
liberty to inspect and experiment with them in any reasonable manner which occurs
to them.40
If it is not carefully explained to the jury just what 'reasonable' experimentation
might consist of and a warning issued to them of the shortcomings of any experiment
they might perform (as the trial judge did here) the injustice to the defendant becomes
more (not less) likely.
. It is inevitable that juries will experiment with exhibits taken with them into the
jury room, be it a comparison of handwriting samples,41 a house-breaking implement
or a weapon. The risk of evidence being manufactured is ever present, even if jurors
are expressly warned to confine their deliberations to the evidence put to them in
court. Only by as full and careful summing up by the trial judge as is possible,
including detailed instructions as to possible tests on exhibits, can haphazard experi-
mentation and confusion be avoided. Jurors certainly have the common-sense to devise
their own tests in the jury room but they cannot know what status such tests have
at law (and what weight to accord them in reaching a decision) unless given much
needed assistance by the presiding judge.
Action by landlord for arrears of rent - Defence of promissory estoppel raised
- Whether doctrine of promissory estoppel recognized in Australia - Whether the
promisee must show detriment incurred.
In 1972 Lord Hailsham made the prediction that a time would come when the
courts would need systematically to explore the doctrine of promissory estoppel and
to reduce it to a 'coherent body of doctrine'.2 Despite the contribution made by the
Privy Council in Aiayi v. Briscoe3 significant uncertainties have continued to plague
those who seek to determine the ambit of the doctrine in England. In Je Maintiendrai
v. Quaglia4 the necessity for systematic exploration and coherent statement of principles
arose in the Supreme Court of South Australia. In three strong and carefully reasoned
judgments the Court seized this opportunity.
The respondent was the tenant of a shop. The appellant was the lessor. The original
written lease which commenced in March 1973 was for a three year term at a rent of
$197 per month. A new three year lease was executed in July 1976. The rent was
increased to $278 per month and provision was made for quarterly rises commensurate
40 (1979) 21 S.A.S.R. 596, 598. This passage was expressly approved by Street C.J. in
R. v. Kozul [1980] 2 N.S.W.L.R. 299, 302.
41 For example see R. v. Tilley [1961] 1 W.L.R. 1309 and R. v. O'Sullivan [1969] 1
W.L.R. 497 (C.A.).
B.A. (Hons.); A Student of Law at University of Melbourne.
1(1981) 26 S.A.S.R. 101.
2 Woodhouse A.C. Israel Cocoa Ltd S.A. v. Nigerian Produce Marketing Co. Lid
[1972] A.C. 741, 758.
3 [1964] 1 W.L.R. 1326.
4(1981) 26 S.A.S.R. 101.

Case Notes


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