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7 CPA Prac. Mgmt. F. 10 (2011)
Remote Access Cloud Hosting Options for CPA Firms

handle is hein.journals/cpamanf7 and id is 118 raw text is: MAY 2011

Remote Access Cloud Hosting Options for CPA Firms
By Roman H. Kepczyk

lot of people are confused about cloud com-
puting, as it is a buzzword used to describe a
variety of tools and remote access situations that
can encompass a fairly broad spectrum of technologies.
In its truest form, cloud computing is a completely out-
sourced solution (SaaS-Software as a service), where the
firm pays a vendor a usage fee to access applications and
information that the vendor manages in an Internet-
accessible facility. CCH Research and CCH SaaS Portal
are solid examples of stand-alone cloud products that
have been well adopted by the marketplace, where the
firm pays a fee for what it uses and CCH is responsible
for all maintenance and infrastructure. CCH is in the
process of building a comprehensive suite of SaaS-based
accounting products that will eventually encompass
practice management, document management, work-
flow, and audit engagement tools that will take advan-
tage of the next generation of programming tools and
information technologies. However, what do firms do
today if they want to take advantage of the benefits of
cloud technology and have their entire suite of appli-
cations, including CCH accounting products, e-mail,
Microsoft Office, and other applications that they are
required to support (e.g., QuickBooks) accessible in a
cloud-like environment?
Firm cloud options: Virtual private networking vs.
thin client technology
The most common solution for this problem has been
for firms to build their own firm cloud by allowing re-
mote access through virtual private networking (VPN)
or thin client technology (e.g., Citrix and Microsoft
Windows Terminal Server [WTS]). Thin client tech-
nology provides reliable remote access through the In-
ternet. VPN technology allows for a secure connection
from a remote site to the firm's file servers, but it requires
a huge amount of bandwidth to be as effective as work-
ing in the office. This option is an acceptable solution
for firms to use when they connect static offices that
have great Internet bandwidth between them. Unfor-
tunately, it is harder to standardize VPN connections

and performance for remote workers (e.g., auditors or
consultants in the field, or tax people at home) where
the bandwidth speed can vary dramatically.
For situations where the client's Internet connection
is not great or when the accountant only has access
through a digital cellular connection (via an air card
or smartphone), firms have transitioned to using thin
client technologies (e.g., WTS and Citrix). In essence,
the WTS/Citrix servers allow users in the field to work
very fast because their workstations act as a dumb ter
minal into the firm's servers, where ke kes arset
up, heavy processing is done on the frm's producion
servers, and only the final screen cinges wae  to
the terminal. This makes it appear thatt  a
is running similarly to when the afcu i
or her desk in the office. In  ma
opted thin client technologyn ot ad A sp   u
but also for all firm worktosn
life of most workstations
are only utilized as trwnis
Externally hosted cloud optin
The adoption of this technoliv Ju
to the cloud conce t,    Ige    a
the physical servers and,.  W1cos reside as n  as
a person sitting at a woktitcan efe  elyuthe
his or her tools. Th  is  en0ive  m re compkndIi
accounting firms than or Iost othbr iuTsriu s be
cause most accounting frrmsrne a very btroad ang
of applications from differ vendors, whi  r
are usually not hosted by a sing  an    awar
vendor. To work optinuml  anya ctnn
to integrate should be houed in  samx lo  o
which leads to having txv, workow, scanning. Joc
ment management, engagement  rtaIand produciC-
ity (Microsoft Office) ai in oni xeve  m T a-
ditionally has been nost convenient nh i on
office or in an offsite coloation -u rm w
adequate Internet connem vi and  io    i
recovery options. To furthe bA  h  o
managing IT within an rcountm



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