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81 Alb. L. Rev. 1171 (2017-2018)
Judge Jenny Rivera: The Lone Dissenter for the Accused

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                          Linnea E. Riegel*

    We cannot  simply hope or expect that . .. biases, prejudices, or
    deep-rooted stereotypes will disappear  because of legislative
    fiat. Indeed, adverse and hostile responses are most common
    when  individuals and  institutions are pushed the hardest to
    relinquish power   and   to  reject the  most  pernicious  of
    traditions ... judges, law  enforcement   personnel,  and ...
    lawyers, must be educated  to recognize and work to eliminate
    the pervasive bias in our courts and criminal justice system.1

                       I. BEFORE  THE  BENCH

  Judge  Jenny Rivera  had an untraditional start to her career on the
bench.  She  was not a judge first, she did not work in the judiciary,
she was  not a practicing attorney, she did not work in a law firm, she
was  not  a government   lawyer,  she  did not work   in the district
attorney's office, legislature, or executive branch, and she was not in
any  other line of work traditional for a New York  Court of Appeals
Judge.2  After she  graduated  from  New  York  University School  of
Law  in 1985, Judge  Rivera  clerked for the Second Circuit Court  of
Appeals  Pro  Se Law   Clerk's office, as well as for then Southern
District of New  York  Court Judge  Sonia  Sotomayor.3   She was  an
attorney for the Legal Aid  Society and an  associate counsel for the
Puerto Rican  Legal Defense  and Education  Fund.4  She served as an

  * Juris Doctor, Albany Law School, 2018; Master of Science, The College of St. Rose, 2012;
Bachelor of Arts, Union College, 2008.
  1 Jenny Rivera, The Politics of Invisibility, 3 GEO. J. ON FIGHTING POVERTY 61, 63 (1995).
  2 Vincent Bonventre, Jenny Rivera: Cuomo's High Court Pick, N.Y. CT. WATCHER (Jan. 19,
2013), http://newyorkco urtwatcher.com/2013/01/jenny-rivera-cuomos-high-court-pick.html.
   John Caher, Q&A Judge Jenny Rivera, N.Y. L.J. (Jan. 3, 2014), https://www.law.com
/newyorklawjournal/almlD/ 120 02635849546/QA-Judge-Jenny-Riveral; Honorable Jenny
Rivera, N.Y. CT. OF APPEALS, https://www.nycourts.gov/ctapps/jrivera.htm (last visited May 12,
2018); Judge Jenny Rivera '85 Discusses the Role of State Courts at LAA Luncheon, N.Y.U. L.
NEWS, http://www.law.nyu.edulnews/2017-laa-luncheon-judge-jenny-rivera-new-york-court-of-
appeals (last visited May 12, 2018).
  4 Faculty Directory, Hon. Jenny Rivera, CUNY SCH. LAW, http://www.law.cuny.edu/


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