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2 Delphi 167 (2019)
AI Governance: Digital Responsibility as a Building Block: Towards an Index of Digital Responsibility

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Towards an index of Digital Responsibility | 167

Al Governance: Digital Responsibility as a

Building Block

       Towards an Index of Digital Responsibility

       Eva  Thelisson, Jean-Henry Morin and Johan  Rochel*

       The  rapid development  ofAl-based technologies significantly impacts almost all human ac-
       tivities as they are tied to already existing underlying systems and services. In order to make
       sure that these technologies are at least transparent if not provably beneficial for human
       beings and  society and represent a true progress, AI governance will play a key role. In this
       paper, we propose  to reflect on the notion of 'digital responsibility'to accountfor the respon-
       sibility of economic actors. Our objective is to provide an outline of what digital responsi-
       bility is and to propose a Digital Responsibility Index to assess corporate behavior. We ar-
       gue  that a Digital Responsibility Index can play a central role in restoring trust in a data-
       driven economy   and create a virtuous circle, contributing to a sustainable growth. This per-
       spective is part ofAI governance because  it provides a concrete way of quantifying the im-
       plementation  ofAI  principles in corporate practice.

1. Introduction

Al technologies now underlie almost all systems and
services used in transforming  how  we  live, learn,
work, engage, vote, socialise, travel, help, etc. Al tech-
nologies suffer from a lack of transparency, which
raises the question of how liability risks will be tak-
en into consideration by policy-makers.1 In addition,
companies  leveraging the underlying data are build-
ing empires  concentrating power  over people to a
level never achieved before.2 This becomes  all the

   DOI: 10.21552/delphi/2019/4/6
   Eva Thelisson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Con-
   nexion Science Lab, Boston, USA, Co-Founder of the Al Trans-
   parency Institute. For correspondence: <evathelisson@proton-
   Jean-Henry Morin, Instituteof Information ServiceScience (ISS),
   Centre Universitaire dInformatique (CUI), Geneva School of
   Social Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. For
   correspondence: <jhmorin@unige.ch>.
   Johan Rochel, Faculty of Law, University of Z~rich; ethix - Lab for
   Innovation Ethics, Zurich, Switzerland. For correspondence:
1  Iria Giuffrida, 'Liability for Al Decision-Making: Some Legal and
   Ethical Considerations' (2019) 88 Fordham L Rev 439
2  James E Bessen, 'The Policy Challenge of Artificial Intelligence'
   (2018) CPI Antitrust Chronicle, Boston Univ School of Law, Law
   and Economics Research Paper No 18-16
3  Roger McNamee, Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastro-
   phe (Harper Collins 2019)

more  significant as a few actors dominating the mar
ket hold the data of billions of people, potentially in-
fluencing their lives and practices. A prominent ex-
ample  is Facebook, which in barely ten years rose
from  being an  internal college dating site to the
biggest global social network service ever built with
almost one third of the world population being reg-
istered and sharing their most intimate information.3
   Corporate responsibility is a concept larger and
older than that applied in the digital field. The UNC-
TAD  (United Nations Conference  on Trade  and De-
velopment) has discussed for more than 25 years the
Social Responsibility of Transnational Corporations
with all stakeholders involved (Governments, Corpo-
rations, Civil Society, etc.). This paper will focus on
digital responsibility only. This is a very important
concept in ever more  digitalized societies. In both
cases we have similar dimensions: politics, ethics, le-
gal issues, human rights, finance, geopolitics, etc.
   Al plays an important role in the digitalization of
our societies. This transition is an ongoing process
we need  to cope with and organise amongst  differ
ent stakeholders to achieve a balance preventing one
stakeholder from dominating  the others at their ex-
pense. Broadly, we identify three major stakeholders:
private companies   (industry), public  authorities
(state) and  individuals (society).7 Implementing

Delphi 4|2019

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