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38 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1081 (2001)
Obstruction of Justice

handle is hein.journals/amcrimlr38 and id is 1091 raw text is: OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE
I.  INTRODUCTION  ........................................  1082
A.  Scope of §  1503  ...................................  1084
B. Elements of a § 1503 Offense ..........................  1086
1. Pending Judicial Proceedings .......................  1086
2. Knowledge of Pending Proceeding ................... 1088
3. Acting Corruptly with Intent ........................ 1089
a.  Corrupt Intent ................................  1089
b. Endeavor ................................... 1092
C. Acts Prosecuted Under § 1503 .........................  1094
1. Concealment, Alteration or Destruction of Documents ..... 1094
2. Encouraging or Rendering False Testimony ............ 1096
D.  Defenses to  § 1503  .................................  1097
1. Legal Impossibility .............................. 1097
2. Fear of Reprisal.............................. 1098
3.  Constitutionality  ................................  1098
4. Double Jeopardy  ................................  1099
5.  Im munity  ......................................  1100
6.  Entrapment ....................................  1101
7. Zealous Representation  ...........................  1101
8. Impossibility of Success  ...........................  1102
E. Venue for Prosecution Under § 1503 ....................  1102
F. Section 1505: The Agency Provision  ....................  1103
III. WrrNESS TAMPERING ....................................... 1105
A. Scope of§§ 1512 and 1513  ...........................  1106
B. Elements of a § 1512(b) Offense  .......................  1107
1.  Knowingly  .....................................  1107
2. Engaged in Enumerated Acts .......................  1108
a. Intimidation, Physical Force, or Threats .............  1109
b. Misleading  Conduct  ...........................  1110
c.  Corrupt Persuasion ............................  1110
3. Intent to Influence Testimony  .......................  1111
4.  Official Proceeding  ..............................  1111
C.  D efenses .........................................  1113
1. Affirmative Defense Under § 1512 ....................  1113
2. Constitutionality of §§ 1512 and 1513 .................  1113
3. Impermissible Duplicity  ...........................  1114
D.  Venue  Under §  1512  ................................  1115
IV .  PENALTIES ...........................................  1115

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