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17 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 1167 (1998-1999)
Technology Arms Peeping Toms with a New and Dangerous Arsenal: A Compelling Need for States to Adopt New Legislation

handle is hein.journals/jmjcila17 and id is 1175 raw text is: TECHNOLOGY ARMS PEEPING TOMS
The act of voyeurism is becoming an increasingly prevalent and un-
settling threat to human dignity and the right to privacy.1 The peeping
Tom2 of yesterday is now armed with a new arsenal that threatens more
than just the unsuspecting victim standing by an open window.3 With
the development and advancement of surveillance technology,4 voyeur-
ism has evolved into something an increasing number of people suspect
and fear.5 The accessibility of small video cameras and other viewing or
1. BLACi's LAw DICTIONARY 1578 (6th ed. 1990). Voyeurism is defined as:
the condition of one who derives sexual satisfaction from observing the sexual organs or
acts of others, generally from a secret vantage point. Id.
2. LA. REv. STAT. ANN. § 284 (West 1999). The statute defines a peeping Tom as one
who peeps through windows or doors, or other like places, situated on or about the prem-
ises of another for the purpose of spying upon or invading the privacy of persons spied upon
without the consent of the persons spied upon. Id.; see also S.C. CODE ANN. § 16-17-470
(Law. Co-op. 1998). The South Carolina statute describes a peeping Tom as someone who
peeps through windows, doors, or other like places, on or about the premises of another, for
the purpose of spying upon or invading the privacy of the other persons spied upon and any
other conduct of a similar nature, that tends to invade the privacy of others. Id.; see also
State v. Harris, 358 S.E.2d 713, 714 (S.C. 1987) (holding that '[pleeping Tom' is a crime of
moral turpitude).
3. See infra notes 74-79 and accompanying text (discussing the advancements in tech-
nology and how they allow voyeurs to peep while no one is looking).
4. See infra notes 74-88.
5. Primetime Live: Rooms with a View - Landlords Caught on Tape Harassing Ten-
ants (ABC television broadcast, Apr. 1, 1998). Numerous television programs have tapped
into society's fascination and paranoia with this type of invasion of privacy. Id. Sylvia
Chase, from Primetime Live, also addressed the topic on a show about landlords harassing
tenants. Id. A number of tenants of landlord Lynn Lacey described the various means that
he used to view them in their separate apartments. Id. Some of these methods included
the use of two-way mirrors, hidden rooms, peepholes, and video recorders. Id. The hun-
dreds of videotapes recovered by authorities contained various pornographic scenes such as
tenants engaged in sexual activity and images of children using the restroom. Id.


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