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7 Probs. Communism 15 (1958)
The Spectre of Revisionism

handle is hein.journals/probscmu7 and id is 195 raw text is: 

viewed Yugoslav communism as the bate noire which
brought instability and disruption to Eastern Europe,
and they have not forgiven the Yugoslavs their share of
responsibility in sparking the Hungarian uprising. It
seems fairly obvious that they had had more than enough
of Tito's tactics of sniping and veiled allusions, and they
may well have urged an all-out frontal battle against
Belgrade as the pole of attraction for all revisionism.
  The recent reaffirmation of the 1948 Cominform reso-

lution against Yugoslavia has added an ominous push
to the satellites' retreat toward Stalinist ideological posi-
tions. The resort to increasingly oppressive political and
economic measures raises the equally ominous possibility
of their full return to Stalinist political methods. For
the moment, implications of the new anti-Titoist crusade
are a matter of speculation: but it is reasonable to sup-
pose that, barring future upheavals, they can give only
new impulse to the restalinization of Eastern Europe.

The Spectre of Revisionism

by Donald S Zagoria

EVER SINCE THE summit meeting of Communist
Party national leaders at Moscow last November, the
Communist world has been experiencing an intense
official struggle against revisionism. Khrushchev him-
self, addressing the Supreme Soviet in honor of the
fortieth anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, went
so far as to equate revisionism with treason '-an equa-
tion which, in retrospect, may be said to have fore-
shadowed the recent execution of Imre Nagy. Khrush-
chev's indictment was promptly followed by the joint
ideological declaration, subscribed to by twelve of the
thirteen governing Communist parties represented at
the summit meeting, which singled out revisionism as
the main danger to the international Communist
   These developments were the prelude to a vehement
and concerted propaganda struggle which has since
been waged in the Communist camp against all forms
of revisionist thought. The campaign has brought forth
striking admissions both of the spread of revisionist
ideas and of the extreme gravity with which the Soviet
leadership views this phenomenon. Pravda, for exam-
ple, on January 17, 1958, pointed to a growing tend-
ency among unstable elements in the Communist

  'Khrushchev's address of November 6, published in Pravda,
November 7, 1957.

Mr. Zagoria is a young American student of Soviet and
East European affairs. This is his first published article.

movement to reject the basic tenets of Marxism. The
review Moskva (No. 1, 1958) underscored Pravda's
warning with this alarmist declaration:

Revisionism and national communism must be beaten and
destroyed ideologically . . . either we bury revisionism, or
revisionism buries us. There is no third course.

   Thus, after a brief interlude of relative ideological
d6tente in the wake of the historic Twentieth Congress,
the Soviet ideological pendulum has been swinging back
toward strict doctrinal conformity and monolithic dis-
cipline, and revisionism has been thrust to the top of
the list of Communist cardinal sins. What, then, is
revisionism in the present context of the international
Communist movement; and what are the most impor-
tant elements in revisionist thinking which have led
Moscow to see in it almost as mortal an enemy as cap-
italism itself?

Profile of Revisionism

   Although denial of Marxism on the main issues,
 has been cited in official Communist sources as the chief
 distinguishing characteristic of revisionist thought,2

   2-E.g., see article entitled, Error, Deviation, Revisionism,
 Dogmatism, in the theoretical organ of the Hungarian CP,
 Tarsadalmi Szemle, January 1958.

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