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99 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1101 (2004-2005)
Order without Social Norms: How Personal Norm Activation Can Protect the Environment

handle is hein.journals/illlr99 and id is 1111 raw text is: Copyright 2005 by Northwestern University, School of Law                        Printed in U.S.A.
Northwestern University Law Review                                               Vol. 99, No. 3
Michael P. Vandenbergh*
I.   INTROD  UCTION  ...................................................................................................  110 1
II.  N ORM   A CTIVATION  ........................................................................................... 1107
A .  The  Toxics  Example  .................................................................................. 1107
B.   The Activation  of Personal Norms ............................................................ 1114
III. TtE EXPLANATORY CAPACITY OF NORM ACTIVATION ....................................... 1129
A .  Environm  ental Beliefs ............................................................................... 1129
B.   Explaining  Prior Norm  Efforts .................................................................. 1132
IV. THE IMPLICATIONS OF NORM ACTIVATION ......................................................... 1138
A.   The  Toxic  Release  Inventory  ..................................................................... 1139
B.   The Individual Toxic Release Inventory .................................................... 1146
V.   THE EFFECTS OF ITRI INFORMATION .................................................................. 1157
A .  A  Samp le  ITR I ...........................................................................................  1158
B.   Effects  on  Individual Behavior .................................................................. 1159
C.   Effects on Rational Risk Regulation .......................................................... 1163
V I.  C ONCLUSION  ...................................................................................................... 1164
One of the greatest problems facing norms theorists and regulators is
how to induce individuals to act who will not benefit personally and who
are not subject to legal or social sanctions. Since the 1991 publication of
Order Without Law, Robert Ellickson's path-breaking study of Shasta
County ranchers, it has been clear to legal theorists that informal social
norms have important influences on behavior. Ellickson and others have
* Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University Law School; formerly Chief of Staff at the United
States Environmental Protection Agency. I would like to thank Linda Breggin, Rebecca Brown, Ann
Carlson, John Goldberg, Steven Hetcher, Stephen Klineberg, Greg Mitchell, Erin O'Hara, Robert Ras-
mussen, Christopher Yoo, and workshop participants at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools
Annual Conference, Vanderbilt Law School, and the Vanderbilt Interdisciplinary Social Psychology
Seminar. Danielle Brim, John Lucas, Daniel Orr, Chris Rylands, and Emily Schlessinger provided ex-
cellent research assistance. The Vanderbilt Dean's Fund provided financial support.


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