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34 Clearinghouse Rev. 371 (2000-2001)
Fostering Elder Rights through Innovative Collaborations: A Look at the Partnerships in law and Aging Program

handle is hein.journals/clear34 and id is 381 raw text is: Fostering Elder Rights Through Innovative
Collaborations: A Look at the Partnerships
in Law and Aging Program
By Stephanie Edelstein and Edward D. Spurgeon

Publicly and privately funded nonprofit
legal services programs continue to strug-
gle to meet the legal needs of their older
clients, whose problems may be com-
pounded by a failure to recognize the
existence of a legal issue, by incapacity,
by communication and cultural and phys-
ical barriers, or by discrimination and vic-
timization. Some of these concerns could
be avoided through preventive legal edu-
cation, others alleviated or resolved at a
later stage. However, because of limited
resources and growing need, the legal
needs of low-income older people can-
not always be met by staff programs, the
private bar, or traditional delivery sys-
tems. Since 1986, the American Bar As-
sociation Commission on Legal Problems
of the Elderly has been fortunate to have
been able to administer a minigrant pro-
gram, designed to enhance access to the
legal system by older people, for bar
groups, legal services programs, and
aging networks and other not-for-profit
From 1986 through 1996, in con-
junction with the ABA Fund for Justice
and Education and other American Bar
Association entities, the Legal Awareness
of Older Americans program awarded
121 ten-month grants of $4,000 to a vari-

ety of nonprofit, law-related organiza-
tions. Following a two-year hiatus in
1997-98, the association's Commission
on Legal Problems of the Elderly joined
with the Albert and Elaine Borchard
Foundation Center on Law and Aging,
and the five individuals who comprise
the center's professional advisory board
to sponsor the Partnerships in Law and
Aging Program, which each year awards
up to ten one-year, $7,500 grants.1
The goals of the minigrant program
*   enhancing the legal awareness and
autonomy of older persons, including
those who are poor or otherwise isolat-
ed or in great social and economic need
due to language, culture, disability, geog-
raphy, or lack of education;
*   improving older persons' access to
the legal system by expanding available
resources and exploring innovative meth-
ods for delivering services, such as tech-
nology-based systems, pro se clinics, and
the use of volunteers;
m encouraging collaboration and com-
munication among providers of law-relat-
ed services to older persons-public-sec-
tor legal services programs, the private

The members of the professional advisory board of the Albert and Elaine Borchard
Foundation Center on Law and Aging are B. Lawrence Brennan, Alexander Forger,
Robert K. Johnson, Richard E. Kipper, and 0. Wood Moyle II.

Stephanie Edelstein is associate
staff director, American Bar
Association Commission on
Legal Problems of the Elderly,
740 15th St. NW, Washington,
DC 20005, 202.662.8694; sedel-
stein @staffabanet.org. Edward
D. Spurgeon is executive direc-
tor, Albert and Elaine Borchard
Foundation Center on Law and
Aging, 290 McWhorter Drive,
Athens, GA 30606;
801.521.0250; spurgeon @arch-
es. uga. edu.

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