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23 S. Ill. U. L. J. 611 (1998-1999)
The Right of the Child to a Clean Environment

handle is hein.journals/siulj23 and id is 643 raw text is: THE RIGHT OF THE CHILD TO A CLEAN
Malgosia Fitzmaurice
This article' in part presents the views expressed in the papers which
were read, and the discussion which took place, during the workshop on The
Right of the Child to a Clean Environment, organized at Queen Mary and
Westfield College, University of London, in November 1997. An extensive
survey' on the right of the child to a clean environment at the international and
national levels, conducted in 1996-1997 by Agata Fijalkowski and Malgosia
Fitzmaurice, preceded the workshop. Ultimately, a book entitled Right of the
Child to a Clean Environment will be published in 1999. The entire project
originated from The Program on the International Rights of the Child, under
the directorship of Professor Geraldine Van Bueren.
The problem of the right of the child to a clean environment is part of a
broader problem of the right to a clean environment in general. In this
respect, several fundamental issues are still unresolved, including the very
question of the existence of such a right.'
*    Professor of Public International Law, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London.
I.   This Article is an extended version of a lecture entitled International Environmental Protection and
the Rights of the Child, which was presented by the author on September 8, 1998 as part of the 25th
Anniversary Celebration of the Law series at Southern Illinois University School of Law.
2.   The questionnaires were sent to the following:
Selected Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs of states in five regions, which
included Europe (Finland, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom), Africa (Kenya,
Rwanda, South Africa), Asia (Singapore, Thailand, India, Philippines), South
America (Brazil, Peru, Argentina), and North America (Canada (Ottawa), United
States (California), Mexico); International Organizations, including the United
Nations (Commission on Sustainable Development, Sub-Commission on the
Prevention of Discrimination and Minorities, United Nations Environment and
Development, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and UNESCO),
and Regional organizations (Council of Europe, Organization of American States,
Organization of African Unity, World Bank, the Vice Presidency for
Environmentally Sustainable Development).
3.   The lack of agreement and the feeling of general confusion which pervades this discussion is, in fact,
a noticeable feature present in all publications on this topic. Human Approaches to Environmental
Protection, published in 1996, is the most comprehensive study on the topic of the relationship
between human rights and the environment. Michael Anderson, one of the book's authors and

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