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44 Perm U. Herald Jurid. Sci. 238 (2019)
3D Printing Technology as a Trigger for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: New Challenges to the Legal System

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2019             BECTHIK   IIEPMCKOFO   YHIBEPCHTETA. IOPHIIECKHE HAYKH                    Issue 44

                                       II. CIVIL LAW

     Information for citation:
     Bogdanov  D. E. Tekhnologiya 3D-pechati kak trigger chetvertoy promyshlennoy revolyutsii: novye vyzovy
 peredpravovoy sistemoy [3D Printing Technology as a Trigger for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: New Chal-
 lenges to the Legal System]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki - Perm University Herald. Juridi-
 cal Sciences. 2019. Issue 2. Pp. 238-260. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2019-44-238-260.

UDC  347.771:004.91
DOI:  10.17072/1995-4190-2019-44-238-260


  The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of the
  research project No.18-29-14027mk 'The concept of legislative regulation of genomic research in the field of creation
                                  and use of bioprinted human organs'

D. E. Bogdanov
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
9, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., Moscow, 125933, Russia
ORCID:  0000-0002-9740-9923
ResearcherlD: P-9117-2015
E-mail: Bogdanov.de@yandex.ru

Received  17.03.2019

          Introduction: recent rapid developments in technology suggest the arrival of a new tech-
      nological revolution, 'the Fourth Industrial Revolution'. One of the main drivers of this revo-
      lution is 3D printing technology, which transforms social existence and changes the vision of
      human  capabilities and limits. This technology poses serious challenges to the legal system,
      which lags behind scientific and technological progress in its evolution. Law makers and law
      enforcers will soon have to answer the questions put by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
      Purpose: to identify and analyze the key challenges posed by 3D printing technology to the Rus-
      sian civil law in the upcoming era of 'techno-determinism'; based on the analysis made, to for-
      mulate conclusions aimed at improving the current legislation and its practical application.
      Methods: dialectical, formal logic, functional and other general scientific research methods, as
      well as special juridical methods: comparative legal and formal legal. Results: the article con-
      siders the main civil problems caused by the development of 3D printing technology, in particu-
      lar: quality assurance and ensuring safety ofproducts manufactured using 3D printing techno l-
      ogy, including foods; ensuring compensation for massive harm when the tortfeasor is unidenti-
      fiable; patent law digitalization; changes in information intermediaries' liability standards.
      Conclusions: the problems of safety and labeling offood products manufactured using three -
      dimensional printing technology should be addressed in a similar way to genetically modified
      foods. In foreign civil law, effective to ols have already been developed to ensure equitable co m-


C Bogdanov D. E., 2019

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