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55 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 1145 (2022)
Trump v. TikTok

handle is hein.journals/vantl55 and id is 1191 raw text is: Trump v. TikTok
Anupam Chander*
How did a Chinese big tech company beat the president of the
United States? When then-President Donald Trump sought to ban
TikTok, ostensibly because of its Chinese roots, US courts came to
TikTok's rescue. Rather than deferring to the president's claims of a
national security emergency justifying the ban, courts held that the
president lacked statutory authority to ban TikTok. This Article
chronicles the Trump administration's attempt to either ban TikTok or
to compel its sale to a very American company, preferably one led by
a political ally. The TikTok affair thus demonstrates what Harold Koh
calls the National Security Constitution at work-with courts and
Congress checking and balancing the president even with respect to
foreign relations and national security.
I.    INTRODUCTION    .......................................................1145
II.   THE  TRUM  P  BAN.....................................................1148
III.  JUDICIAL  CHECKS   ..................................................1156
IV .  A PPRAISAL  ..............................................................1161
A. A Threat to National Security?..............1162
B. An Organ of Foreign Propaganda..........1166
C. The Great Firewall of America?............1167
D. The National Security Constitution......1170
E. A Better Way Forward...........................1173
V .   C ONCLUSION   ..........................................................1175
On July 31, 2020, with three months to go before the presidential
election, then-President Donald Trump announced that the United
Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law and Technology, Georgetown University;
A.B. Harvard University; J.D. Yale Law School. I'm grateful to Skylar Burton, Howard
Thorne, Christine Jiha, Gabrielle McLymont, Cole Swaffield, John Webber, Peyton
Thomas, Morgan Peck, Rebecca Ehrhardt, Blaine Sanders, Katherine Richardson,
Regina Maze, and the other editors of the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law for
excellent editing and to Samuil Agranovich for helpful research. The views expressed
herein are my own and should not be ascribed to anyone else.


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