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75 Vand. L. Rev. 1345 (2022)
Exponential Growth Bias and the Law: Why Do We Save Too Little, Borrow Too Much, and Fail to React on Time to Deadly Pandemics and Climate Change

handle is hein.journals/vanlr75 and id is 1393 raw text is: VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW
VOLUME 75                     OCTOBER 2022                      NUMBER 5
Exponential Growth Bias and the
Law: Why Do We Save Too Little,
Borrow Too Much, and Fail to React
on Time to Deadly Pandemics
and Climate Change?
Doron Teichman
Eyal Zamir*
Many human decisions, ranging from the taking of loans with
compound interest to fighting deadly pandemics, involve phenomena that entail
exponential growth. Yet a wide and robust body of empirical studies
demonstrates that people systematically underestimate exponential growth.
*   Doron Teichman is the Jacob I. Berman Professor of Law, and Eyal Zamir is the Augusto
Levi Professor of Commercial Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The authors
contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order. For invaluable comments on previous
drafts we thank Katya Assaf, Ronen Avraham, Oren Bar-Gill, Ryan Bubb, Hanjo Hamman, Ori
Katz, Russell Korobkin, Ofer Malcai, Jeff Rachlinski, Michal Shur-Ofry, Cass Sunstein, Joshua
Teitelbaum, the participants in the Annual Meetings of the American Law and Economics
Association at Columbia Law School, the European Law and Economics Association in Barcelona,
the Israeli Private Law Association in Tel Aviv, the German Law and Economics Association in
Berlin, the Notre Dame-Tel Aviv University Conference on Empirical, Behavioral, and
Experimental Analyses of Law, and workshops held at Georgetown Law Center, University of
Virginia School of Law, USC Gould School of Law, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the
Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, and the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. This research was
supported by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 699/20).

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