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22 Ratio Juris 549 (2009)
Index to Volume 22 (2009)

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Ratio Juris. Vol. 22 No. 4 December 2009 (549-50)

Index to Volume 22 (2009)

Abad I Ninet, Antoni, and Josep Monserrat Molas, Habermas and Ackerman:
  A  Synthesis Applied  to the Legitimation  and  Codification of Legal
  Norms,  4: 510-31.
Bongiovanni, Giorgio, Antonino Rotolo, Corrado Roversi, and Chiara Valentini,
  The  Structure of Social Practices and the Connection between Law and
  Morality, 1: 1-23.
Callies, Gralf-Peter, and Mortiz Renner, Between Law and Social Norms: The
  Evolution of Global Governance,  2: 260-80.
Canale, Damiano, Consequences of Pragmatic Conceputalism: On the Meth-
  odology  Problem in Jurisprudence, 2: 171-86.
Canale, Damiano, and Giovanni Tuzet, The A Simili Argument: An Inferen-
  tialist Setting, 4: 499-509.
Coleman, Jules L., Beyond Inclusive Legal Positivism, 3: 359-94.
Conte, Amedeo Giovanni, A Threefold Isomorphism in Ludwig Wittgentein's
  Philosophical Deontics, 1: 150-4.
Coyle, Sean, Apropos of A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurispru-
  dence: Volume 1, 1: 155-70.
Dahlman, Christian, The Difference between Obedience Assumed  and Obe-
  dience Accepted, 2: 187-96.
Di Donato, Flora, and Pascal Mahon, Federalism and Cultural Identities.
  Some  Remarks  on the Naturalisation Procedure in Switzerland, 2: 281-
Himma,  Kenneth Einar, Positivism and Interpreting Legal Content: Does
  Law  Call for a Moral Semantics?, 1: 24-43.
Holm, Soren, and John Coggon, A Cautionary Note  against Precautionary
  Reasoning  in Action Guiding Morality, 2: 295-309.
Kahn, Paul W., Torture and Democratic Violence, 2: 244-59.
Koller, Peter, Ota Weinberger: In Memoriam, 3: 416-20.
Kramer, Matthew H., Moral Principles and Legal Validity, 1: 44-61.
Kutz, Christopher, Secret Law and the Value of Publicity, 2: 197-217.
Lo  Giudice, Alessio, The Shared Perception of Social Contexts and  Its
  Conditions for Possibility, 3: 395-415.
Moreso, Josi Juan, Legal Positivism and Legal Disagreements, 1: 62-73.

D 2009 The Author. Journal compilation D 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and
350 Main Street, Malden 02148, USA.

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