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18 Jury Expert 9 (2006)
Secret Ballot or a Show of Hands: Gain the Advantage with Your Preferred Voting Method

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          Secret Ballot or
        a Show of Hands?

   Gain the Advantage With Your
       Preferred Voting Method

By Edward P. Schwartz, Ph.D., M.S.L.

When going to trial, a litigator always asks
herself the same question: How will the jury
vote? This is a great question, but maybe not
for the reason you think. I encourage my clients
to think about the method, as well as the outcome
of jury voting.

This is important because the method jurors
use to cast their votes can have a profound
effect on the outcome of the case. For example,
if the jury votes by a show of hands, a juror
may be reluctant to vote her conscience if she is
worried that her choice will be unpopular with
her fellow jurors.

It is therefore important for lawyers to
    the various methods juries use to reach
      their decisions,
    how each method might favor one side
      or the other, and
    how lawyers can subtly influence the
      jury's voting method without running
      afoul of the court.

             Get in the Game
Game theory is the study of strategic interaction.
The focus is on how people choose strategies
in anticipation of the
strategies chosen by
others. For instance,     A secret ballot m
a soccer player taking     that thosefavori
a penalty kick wants             actua
to kick the ball in the
opposite direction
from where the goalie
is diving. The goalie, on the other hand, wants
to dive the same way the ball is being kicked.
Should the goalie dive left or right? Well, that
depends on what he thinks the kicker is going
to do.

The application of game theory to voting
situations is called social choice theory Most voting
institutions-traditional elections, the Supreme
Court, and Senate votes to close debate-have
well-defined voting rules. It is interesting then
that the jury, comprised of ordinary citizens
with little or no voting experience (other than
in elections), is asked to reach verdicts without
any guidance about how to structure their votes.
A casual observer might think that the voting
method would not matter very much.

A social choice theorist, however, understands
that procedure can have a profound impact on
outcomes. A litigator would be wise to appreciate
this connection and try to influence the jury's
voting method accordingly.

        Common Voting Methods
 Jury voting methods run the gamut from the
 traditional secret ballot to the simultaneous
 show of hands. Each comes with its own strategic
 dynamic and lawyers can gain an edge for their
 clients if they can somehow convince the jury
 to use a method that maximizes the strengths of
 their case.

 Of course, a lawyer's direct attempt to tell a
 jury how to deliberate and vote would likely
 meet great hostility from the judge, not to
 mention opposing counsel. That said, there are
 subtle strategic ways an attorney can couch her
 arguments that might nudge a jury towards
 deliberating in one way or another.

 Secret Ballot
 Not all votes are created equal. If a jury uses a
 secret ballot, jurors will all feel fairly comfortable
                      voting sincerely. As
                      such, if your client
:imizes the chance    has an unsympathetic,
gyour client will     but principled case, a
                      secret ballot might be
e that way.           your best option. It
                      maximizes the chance
                      that those favoring your
 client will actually vote that way.

 Studies have shown that people become
 committed to a position when they have publicly
 espoused it. As such, when a juror votes for
 a particular verdict, it is harder to get her to



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