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96 Colum. L. Rev. 903 (1996)
Social Norms and Social Roles

handle is hein.journals/clr96 and id is 913 raw text is: SOCIAL NORMS AND SOCIAL ROLES
Cass R. Sunstein*
I. Tales of Rationality and Choice ...........................  904
A. Ultimatums and Fairness ..............................    904
B.  Littering  ..............................................  905
C. Smoking, Rationality, and Race ........................   905
D. Recycling in the Hamptons ............................    906
E.  John  Jones  ............................................  906
F. The Point of this Article ...............................  907
G. An Insufficiently Charted Domain .....................    910
II. Definitions and Concepts .................................  914
A.  Social Norms ..........................................  914
1.  In  General .........................................  914
2. Intrinsic Value, Reputational Value, and Self-
conception  ........................................  916
3. Norms and Freedom ...............................     917
4.  Exit and  Entry  .....................................  919
5. Norms and Nonfingible Cash ......................     920
B.  Social Roles  ...........................................  921
1.  In  General .........................................  921
2. Roles and Freedom ................................    922
3.  Roles and  Law  .....................................  923
4. Citizens and Consumers ............................   923
C.  Social Meanings .......................................  925
D. Social Norms, Social Roles, and Social Meanings .......   928
E. Divisions in the Self and Norm  Bandwagons ...........    929
F.  Beliefs About Facts  ....................................  930
III. Choices and Preferences ..................................  931
A. Preferences as Choices ................................   932
B. Preferences Behind Choices ...........................    935
C. Against the Idea of Preferences ........................  938
IV. Choices, Norms, Roles, and Meanings .....................    939
* Karl N. Llewellyn Distinguished Service Professor, Law School and Department of
Political Science, University of Chicago. This is a written version of the Goase Lecture,
delivered at the University of Chicago on November 28, 1995. I am grateful to Bruce
Ackerman, Richard Craswell, Gertrud Fremling, Elizabeth Garrett, Daniel Kahan, William
Landes, Larry Lessig, John Lott, Martha Nussbaum, Susan Moller Okin, Eric Posner,
Richard Posner, Joseph Raz, David Strauss, and Richard Thaler for valuable discussions
and comments. I am also grateful to participants in very helpful workshops at the
University of Chicago and at New York University.
This article is dedicated to the memory of Jean Hampton, an extraordinary friend,
colleague, and philosopher who was also one of the nicest people in the world. Jean
warmly encouraged my efforts to grapple with these problems and in particular with the
expressive function of law, a topic that she did much to illuminate. Her premature death
is an unfathomable loss for many people; her brilliant and humane work will provide
enduring illumination for lawyers as well as political theorists and philosophers.

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