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18 Jurimetrics J. 335 (1977-1978)
Protection of Proprietary Software in the Computer Industry: Trade Secrets as an Effective Method

handle is hein.journals/juraba18 and id is 345 raw text is: PROTECTION OF
Richard Raysman*
As the data processing industry continues to grow, the debate has
intensified regarding what, if any, is the optimum method for the de-
veloper and owner of sophisticated software, to protect his investment.
Although the debate has been raging during the past decade and more
about patent and copyright protection, trade secret protection continues
to appear to be the single most reliable and consistent manner in which
to maintain software protection.
Generally, software is defined as the programs which control the
physical machinery, with the programs consisting of a set of instruc-
tions.1 As a result of the significant expense of the internal development
of software, may companies turn to outside software specialists for
assistance in the overall programming effort. Many of these specialists
have expertise in one particular area, and have developed a specialty
program (i.e., sort, teleprocessing), and it is these specialty programs
which need protection. Many of the specialty programs have been de-
veloped over a long period, at great time and expense, and are often
the core of a small company's existence.'
The three generally accepted methods of protection of proprietary
*Member of New York and Connecticut Bars; B.S., M.I.T., 1968; J.D.,
Brooklyn Law School, 1973.
'Davis, Computer Programs and Subject Matter Patentability, 6 RUTGERS
J. COMPUTERS & L. 1, note 3.
2For example, see DATAMATION Magazine, December 1977, pp. 5,13,17.


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