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50 Wake Forest L. Rev. 761 (2015)
The Dangers of Denial: The Need for a Clear-Eyed Understanding of the Power and Accountability Structure Established by the Delaware General Corporation Law

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                   Honorable  Leo E. Strine, Jr.*

    There  are, as in any intellectual and political tradition, different
strands of thought on the center-left of American politics, as well as
different approaches to looking at the world. I confess that the one I
most  admire  is clear-eyed, and attempts to make  things better by
acknowledging  how  things in fact are, and not  how I would  wish
them  to be.
    In the area that this Essay addresses, Adolf Berle stands as one
example   of someone   who  confronted  the world  as  it was  and
advanced   ideas  to  improve  it.'   James   Madison,   Alexander

    *  Leo E. Strine, Jr. is Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court;
Austin Wakeman   Scott Lecturer on Law and Senior Fellow, Program on
Corporate Governance, Harvard Law  School; Adjunct Professor of Law,
University of Pennsylvania Law School; and Henry Crown Fellow, Aspen
Institute. The author thanks Andrew Berni, Elane Boulden, Roberta Romano,
Dorothy Shapiro, and Sonia Steinway for their patient and careful help.
    1. In a famous debate with E. Merrick Dodd Jr., Adolf Berle contended
that if corporate managers were allowed to consider the interests of all
constituencies, without being legally bound to any, those fiduciaries would be
free from accountability. A. A. Berle, Jr., For Whom Corporate Managers Are
Trustees: A Note, 45 HARV. L. REV. 1365, 1367 (1932) (When the fiduciary
obligation of the corporate management and 'control' to stockholders is
weakened or eliminated, the management and 'control' become for all practical
purposes absolute.). Berle was not entirely opposed to a regime that would
allow managers to consider a broader set of interests, but argued that it would
be imprudent to deviate from the status quo until a system of binding legal
regulation emerged that would safeguard against managerial self-interest:
    Now  I submit that you can not abandon emphasis on the view that
    business corporations exist for the sole purpose of making profits for
    their stockholders until such time as you are prepared to offer a clear
    and reasonably enforceable scheme of responsibilities to someone
    else. . . . Either you have a system based on individual ownership of
    property or you do not. If not-and there are at the moment plenty of
    reasons why capitalism does not seem ideal-it becomes necessary to
    present a system (none has been presented) of law or government, or
    both, by which responsibility for control of national wealth and income
    is so apportioned and enforced that the community as a whole, or at


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