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94 Foreign Aff. 9 (2015)
Racial Inequality after Racism: How Institutions Hold Back African Americans

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                                         hold six years ago. For many of Obama's
R   acial Inequality                     supporters, his election represented a
                                         milestone in U.S. history, marking the
-A-fter R      acism                     dawn of a postracial society-a new era
                                         in which skin color would no longer stand
How     Institutions Hold Back           as a barrier to opportunity or achievement.
                                         Obama himself embraced this imagery,
African Americans                        insisting that there's not a black America
                                         and white America and Latino America
Fredrick C. Harris and Robert            and Asian America; there's the United
C. Lieberman                             States of America. Although he ac-
                                         knowledged the country's history of racial
                                         division and conflict, he clearly envisioned
                                         a future in which racial distinctions would
ast summer, the killings of two          fade into insignificance, and he promoted
       unarmed African American men-     himself as an avatar of that future.
       Eric Garner in Staten Island, New    Such lofty rhetoric already seems
York, and Michael Brown in Ferguson, 7dated. But even as recent protests over
Missouri-by white police officers        race affirmed racial inequality as a
reignited the national conversation about defining feature of American life, it also
racial inequality in the United States. In  offered a reminder of just how much the
both cases, grand juries declined to     racial landscape in the United States has
indict the officers involved. The rulings changed since the mid-twentieth century.
provoked a wave of protest marches,      Analyzing U.S. race relations in 1944,
rallies, and road blockades across the   the Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal
country, as demonstrators of all skin    identified what he called an American
colors proclaimed to the nation and to   dilemma: the wide gap between the
the world that black lives matter.     American ideals of liberty and equality
   The upheaval has stood in stark       and the actual conditions of African
contrast to the promise of a transforma- American life. In Myrdal's view, racism
tion in race relations that President    was the root cause of the problem.
Barack Obama's inauguration appeared to  Myrdal found that white Americans'
                                         support for segregation sprang from a
FREDRICK C. HARRIS is Professor of Political  widespread belief in black inferiority
Science and Director of the Center on African  and that blacks' disadvantaged status
American Politics and Society at Columbia tended to reinforce this sentiment.
University. He is also a Nonresident Senior
Fellow at the Brookings Institution.     For Americans to resolve this clash
ROBERT C. LIEBERMAN is Provost and       between ideals and reality, Myrdal
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and  argued, something had to give: either
Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins  whites' racial attitudes had to change,
University.                              allowing for fairer treatment of blacks, or
They are the co-editors of Beyond Discrimina-  the circumstances of African American
tion: Racial Inequality in a Postracist Era (Russell
Sage Foundation, 2013), and this essay draws  life had to improve, triggering a change
on their contribution to that volume,    in attitudes.

March/April 2015      9

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