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44 Energy L.J. 447 (2023)
Replacing the Utility Transmission Syndicate's Control

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                     SYNDICATE'S CONTROL

                                 Ari Peskoe *

     Synopsis: Technological progress can topple industry titans. But in the elec-
tricity industry, entrenched power can stymie disruptive change by setting rules
that block competition and reinforce the status quo. In this paper, I chronicle how
regional power sector governance -  the decisionmaking processes and structures
used to change industry rules - is impeding innovation that could challenge in-
cumbent  firms, business models, and technologies. I limit my inquiry to control
over electric transmission, the channels of interstate commerce essential for keep-
ing the lights on.
     Twenty-five years ago, amidst a seismic industry shift to competition, federal
utility regulators (FERC) empowered   new   entities to coordinate the industry
through interstate markets and integrated planning. To  receive regulatory ap-
proval, these new Regional  Transmission Organizations (RTOs)  had  to demon-
strate that their governance was free from industry control. FERC believed that
RTO   independence was  necessary to foster confidence in the fairness of RTO
transmission service and attract investment to RTO-run markets. The RTO model
of procuring reliable power through markets spread quickly. While  RTOs  have
since rewritten rules and invented new markets, their governance is unchanged.
     I argue that RTO governance is now holding the industry back for the benefit
of last century's power players. The industry is in the early phase of a technolog-
ical revolution, but the commercial interests and individual entities that held for-
mal  power  and  informal influence in regional decisionmaking  processes  are
largely the same today as they were twenty-five years ago. As a result, regional
rules tend to cater to incumbents' interests, to the detriment of competition, con-
sumers, and innovation. I explain why RTO  governance stagnated, detail how the
power  industry changes its the rules, and outline a path for reform. Despite the
drawbacks  of RTOs,  I contend that independent control over transmission opera-
tions and planning is indispensable for moving the industry forward.

I.     Introduction: Power Sector Governance Has  Stagnated ................ 448
II.    Power Sector Innovation Hinges on Governance  Reforms............ 456
III.   Filing Rights and the Rise and Fall of FERC's Regional
       Governance  Oversight.................................................................... 463

* An Peskoe is the Director of the Electricity Law Initiative at Harvard Law School. I appreciate researchers who
have conducted empirical research on RTO governance by interviewing market participants and stakeholders,
including: Dalten Fox, Rikaela R. Greane, Travis Kavulla, Ashleigh H. Krick, Mark James, Kevin B. Jones,
Stephanie Lenhart, Christina Simeone, Benjamin A. Stafford, and Elizabeth Wilson. I also acknowledge the
RTOGov initiative, founded by Kate Konschnik and now led by Seth Blumsack and Stephanie Lenhart. I thank
Greg Carmean, Hannah Dobie, Joshua C. Macey, Ben Sloan, and Dan Watkiss, all of whom read drafts and
provided helpful feedback.


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