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2022 Pandectele Romane 120 (2022)
Aspects of Contemporary Social and Legal Normativism

handle is hein.journals/rpanderom2022 and id is 374 raw text is: 

Aspecte ale normativismul social si juridic



Andra PURAN**


            The most  striking expression of the social fact is the social norm. Man's social
            existence cannot be conceived without norms, mainly moral, religious and legal,
            that regulate and even determine the behavior of the human person in the social
            environment. The existence of any individual as a social being presupposes a series
            of obligations exercised throughout his life cycle, materialized in a series of norms,
            some  of which complement  each other, others appear contradictory to others,
            being specific to different interest groups. .

            This system of rules is a condition for the existence of society's life, a mechanism
            that requires good management  of human relations and removes the imminent
            danger of chaos. Social norms are imposed, promoted and perpetuated by several
            methods  that we will analyze in our study Regardless of the field they regulate,
            social norms contain rules addressed to individuals, describing and detailing the
            ways  in which values must be translated into legitimate behaviors and accepted
            by society.

            As social relations are extremely varied, a diversity of social norms that regulate
            these relations is also outlined. Thus, the system of social norms consists of the
            following groups: ethical norms, ordinary norms (customs), corporate norms,
            religious norms and legal norms.

            There are also technical norms that are not part of social determinism because they
            do not regulate social relations.

            Regarding the complex relationship between the normative legal system and, on
            the other hand, society, it can be seen that currently the legal system tends to have
            its own functional autonomy, apart from the objective or subjective determinations
            that society transmits. The autonomy of the judiciary tries to transform itself from

 Conferentiar univ. dr., Universitatea din Pitesti, Facultatea de Stiinte Economice si Drept, Departamentul Drept si
Administratie Publics.
* Lector doctor, Universitatea din Pitesti, Facultatea de Stiinte Economice si Drept, Departamentul de Drept si
Administratie Publics.


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