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30 Hum. Rts. 9 (2003)
Family Matters: Establishing Legal Parental Rights for Same-Sex Parents and Their Children

handle is hein.journals/huri30 and id is 63 raw text is: Family Matters:
Establishing Legal
Parental Rights for
Same-Sex Parents
and Their Children
By Tiffany L. Palmer
ame-sex couples are changing the   of the nonlegal parent, become a ward
portrait of the American family  of the state, or be placed with the child's
and the landscape of family law.  blood relatives whether or not the child
The number of children raised by les-  has a close relationship with them. Even
bian and gay parents has continued to  a legal parent's nomination of the part-
increase as reproductive technologies  ner as the child's guardian in a will is no
advance and as the availability of  guarantee that those wishes will be fol-
adoption expands. For same-sex parent  lowed. Two reported cases involve a
families, it is essential to ensure that  child with same-sex parents whose legal
both parents have a legal parent-child  parent died without a second-parent
relationship with their children. When  adoption in place. In McGuffin v.
a married couple has a child together,  Overton, 542 N.W.2d 288 (Mich. Ct.
both parents automatically have a legal  App. 1995), the court denied custody to
parent-child relationship with the child,  the lesbian coparent after the death of
Because same-sex couples cannot cur-  the biological mother, despite a power
rently marry, this automatic legal rela-  of attorney and will designating the
tionship is not available, and, in most  coparent as the child's legal guardian. In
situations when a same-sex couple has  another case, the child's maternal grand-
a child together, only one parent has a  parents denied the coparent visitation
legal relationship to the child.   after the mother's death and then adopt-
This lack of a legal relationship has  ed the child without the coparent's
very real and important consequences  knowledge or consent. The lesbian
for the child. Without a legal relation-  coparent petitioned the court to invali-
ship with the second parent, a child has  date the adoption and was ultimately
no right of financial support or inheri-  awarded custody, but the victory was
tance from the nonlegal parent and can-  not without legal and emotional cost. In
not receive social security, retirement, or  re Pearlman, 15 FLA. L. REP. (BNA) 1355
state workers' compensation benefits if  (Fla. Cir. Ct. May 30, 1989).
the nonlegal parent dies or becomes  The vulnerability is also acute if the
incapacitated. The child may also be  relationship between the parents dissolves.
ineligible for health or other insurance  Without a legal relationship to both par-
benefits supplied by the nonlegal par-  ents, in the event of a separation, the child
ent's employer, and the nonlegal parent  may have no right to child support from
could be ineligible for leave under the  the nonlegal parent and may also be pre-
Family Medical Leave Act if the child  vented from maintaining a relationship
became seriously ill. Even in an emer-  with that parent. Although courts in cus-
gency, the nonlegal parent may not be  tody cases generally attempt to ensure
able to consent to medical treatment or  ongoing relationships between children
even visit the child in the hospital.  and both parents after a separation, this
The vulnerability becomes even   often is not the case for same-sex parents.
more acute in cases where the legal par-  In the absence of a legally recognized par-
ent dies or becomes incapacitated.  ent-child relationship, a second parent may
Without a legal parental relationship,  be held to be a legal stranger to the child
the child may be removed from the care  with no right to custody or even visitation

with the child.
Nancy D. Polikoff, This Child Does
Have Two Mothers: Redefining Parenthood
to Meet the Needs of Children in Lesbian-
Mother and Other Nontraditional Families,
78 GEo. L.J. 459 (1990).
Given these circumstances, it is
vitally important for the parents to take
steps to establish a legal relationship
between the second parent and the
child. Typically, a child who enters a
same-sex family already has a legal
relationship with one of the partners,
either biologically or through adoption.
The challenge then becomes how to
create legal rights for the parent's part-
ner, who often planned and participat-
ed in the birth of the child with the
intention of coparenting the child. In
what ways can the law inhibit or affirm
and protect a parent-child relationship
that already exists psychologically and
emotionally? One of the most common
methods of establishing this legal rela-
tionship is a second-parent or coparent
adoption--categories with which many
lawyers are not yet familiar.
Adoption laws, which are regulated
by state statutes, are the basis for creating
legal rights between a parent and a child
where there is no existing legal relation-
ship. During the past twenty years, sec-
ond-parent or coparent adoption has
evolved as a method to secure legal
rights for same-sex parents and their chil-
dren. Second-parent or coparent adop-
tions permit the second partner to
become the child's second legal parent
without requiring termination of the first
partner's parental rights. These adoptions
protect children being raised by parents
who do not have the legal sanctions of
marriage, by providing the child the
security of two legal parents.

Summer 2003

Human Rights

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