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88 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1071 (2020)
Administrative Law's Shadow

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           Administrative Law's Shadow

                             Jacob  E.  Gersen*


         This Essay explores the shadow of administrative law. A good deal of
    government  authority that is administrative for all intents and purposes is
    wielded by organizations and institutions that are not legally classified as ad-
    ministrative agencies. Some of these entities are private firms; some are hybrid
    organizations within the government. Others are traditional parts of the bu-
    reaucracy that have been deemed non-agencies for purposes of the Adminis-
    trative Procedure Act (APA),  as  a matter of statutory or regulatory
    interpretation. Across a range of heterogenous contexts, federal courts often
    apply administrative law principles, derived primarily although not exclusively
    from the APA, as legal constraints on these actors, even though the law on its
    terms does not apply. Although formally outside the domain of administrative
    law proper, they remain covered by administrative law's shadow. The Essay
    assembles and analyzes some of the cases in the shadows in an attempt to
    clarify the judicial practice, locate it in the context of conventional debates
    about administrative common law, and then offer some speculation about new
    contexts in which judging from the shadows may emerge.

                           TABLE   OF  CONTENTS

INTRODUCTION      .................................................      1072
    I.  ADMINISTRATIVE LAW'S DOMAIN ........................ 1073

    *  Sidley Austin Professor of Law, Harvard Law School. I am grateful to Dinis Cheian,
Hannah Dawson, Niki Edmonds, Ariel Fishman, Sara Fitzpatrick, Jessica Katzen, Brett Richey,
and Avery Wentworth's excellent research assistance.

September 2020 Vol. 88 No. 5


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