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2017 U. Ill. L. Rev. 877 (2017)
A Different Breed of Prejudice: Why Is Illinois Punishing Dogs for the Sins of Their Owners

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                                                  LAURA   BUECKER*

       As  a response to the dog-bite epidemic many municipalities
  have begun  to pass two types of laws: dangerous-dog laws and breed-
  specific laws. This Note argues that all dog breed-specific legislation
  in Illinois should be replaced with breed neutral legislation. Danger-
  ous-dog  laws do not distinguish between different breeds of dogs in
  their attempt to keep communities safe from  dogs of irresponsible
  owners.  Additionally, the existing dangerous-dog laws in Illinois
  should be strengthened, and better community education on dog be-
  havior must  be introduced. These measures, once implemented, will
  work  together to squarely lay the blame where it belongs-on negli-
  gent owners and shelters-while keeping both dogs and communities

                           TABLE  OF CONTENTS
1.    INTRODUCTION         ................................................. 878
II.   BACKGROUND            ..................................... ...... 880
      A.  Dog-Bite  Statistics..    ............................... 881
      B.   The Infamous One  Bite Rule and Dangerous-Dog  Laws.. 883
      C.  Breed-Specific Legislation   ..................... 885
          1.  Targeting the Nanny Dog................      ......... 886
          2.  History of Breed-Specific Legislation ......... ......... 888
      D.  Dog  Legislation in Illinois  ...................   ..... 891
III.  ANALYSIS           ......................................... ....... 892
      A.   Other Factors Affecting Canine Behavior: Aggression.......... 893
      B.   Misidentifying Pit Bulls.  ....................     ...... 896
      C.   Little to No Decrease in Dog Attacks in Communities
          Implementing  Breed-Specific Legislation .....     ......... 898
      D.   Overcrowding in the United States' Animal Shelters.............. 899
IV.   RECOMMENDATION                         ....................................... 901
      A.   Implementation of Breed Neutral Legislation in Illinois....... 901
      B.   Strengthen Dangerous-Dog  Statutes Already in Place........... 902

    *  J.D. Candidate, 2017, University of Illinois College of Law. I would like to thank Dr. Kelsey
Stocks for the inspiration as well as Lindsey Lusk for her overwhelming support and friendship. I ded-
icate this Note to my parents, Fritz and Jan, who instilled in me from birth a love and respect for all


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