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83 Alb. L. Rev. 931 (2019-2020)
Applying the Stamp Safety Model to Prevent False Convictions Based on Eyewitness Misidentifications

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                          Boaz  Sangero*


  In  many  criminal  law  systems, eyewitness  identification of a
suspect is sufficient to establish that they are the perpetrator of the
crime  in question, without any  need  for additional corroborating
evidence.   But this lofty legal status stands  in contrast  to the
undisputed   assertion  in  the  professional  literature that   an
erroneous  eyewitness  identification is far from rare, with  many
scholars holding it to be the most common cause of false convictions.
On  this background, this Article offers ways of reducing the rate of
false convictions  based  on  eyewitness  misidentifications.       The
Article argues for the creation and application of a safety theory in
the  criminal  justice system,   specifically regarding eyewitness
identifications. Therefore, after the Article connects between  the
modern  theory  of safety, which is well developed in other areas of
our life, and the new  theory of safety from false convictions; and
after a  deep  discussion of one  of the  most  serious hazards  in
criminal law-the   hazard  of false convictions based on eyewitness
misidentifications-a   specific safety model   shall be  developed,
based  on these  discussions and  on the innovative  STAMP   safety
model.  The  substance  of the suggested rules is based on both the
psychological research  and the legal literature. The  high rate of
false convictions is not an inevitable fate.

    Professor of Law, Founder of the Criminal Law & Criminology Department, College of
Law & Business, Ramat-Gan, Israel; and School of Law, Sapir College, Israel. I thank
Professor Rinat Kitai-Sangero for her tremendous help in all the stages of the writing, and
Dr. Daniel Hartmann, who introduced me to the STAMP safety model. I also thank Professor
Doron Menashe and Jayden Kitai-Sangero for their helpful comments on different drafts of
this Article.


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