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33 Harv. J.L. & Gender 687 (2010)
The Harm in Sexting: Analyzing the Constitutionality of Child Pornography Statutes that Prohibit the Voluntary Production, Possession, and Dissemination of Sexually Explicit Images by Teenagers

handle is hein.journals/hwlj33 and id is 691 raw text is: THE HARM IN SEXTING?: ANALYZING THE
A new trend among teenagers has recently triggered concern among
parents and educators and fascinated the media. However, unlike many ado-
lescent fads that provoke dismay from the older generation, sexting-the
transmission of sexually explicit photos via text message'-has resulted in
serious consequences for some participants. Creating, possessing, or dis-
seminating sexually explicit photographs of a minor, even when self-pro-
duced, may violate state and federal child pornography statutes.2 Although
the statutes prohibiting child pornography (as well as the severe penalties for
violation) were enacted to address a very different crime-the rape and
molestation of children, captured on film or in other visual formats3-the
laws do not explicitly exempt images that were voluntarily produced and
disseminated by the minors themselves.4 As a result, prosecutors have
brought child pornography charges against some sexters,5 and others have
* B.A., Georgetown University, 2006; J.D., Harvard Law School, 2010. I would like
to thank my husband, Benjamin, and my family for their support, as well as Diane Rosen-
feld and Dena Sacco, whose course on Child Exploitation, Pornography, and the Internet
was the inspiration for this paper.
'The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Policy Statement on Sext-
ing (Sept. 21, 2009), http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/NewsEventServlet
?LanguageCountry=en_- US&Pageld=4130 (Sexting is a term coined by the media that
generally refers to youth writing sexually explicit messages, taking sexually explicit
photos of themselves or others in their peer group, and transmitting those photos and/or
messages to their peers.).
2 Stephen F. Smith, Jailfor Juvenile Pornographers?: A Reply to Professor Leary, 15
VA. J. Soc. Pol'Y & L. 505, 513 (2008) (noting that although child pornography offenses
vary across jurisdictions, they are generally broad enough to apply to self-produced child
'Id. at 516.
See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. §§ 2251, 2252, 2252A (2006) (proscribing the possession,
distribution, production, or receipt of child pornography in a manner affecting foreign or
interstate commerce).
5 See, e.g., Deborah Feyerick & Sheila Steffen, 'Sexting' Lands Teen on Sex Offender
List, CNN.coM, Apr. 8, 2009, available at http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/07/sext-
ing.busts/index.html#cnnSTCText (reporting on the case of Phillip Alpert, an eighteen-
year-old who is now required to register as a sex offender in Florida after being convicted
of sending child pornography for forwarding a naked photograph of his sixteen-year-old
girlfriend to a large group of people following an argument); David Rosen, Sexting: The
Latest Innovation in Porn, COUNTERPUNCH, Mar. 25, 2009, http://www.counterpunch.org/

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