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63 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 493 (2006)
The Collision of the Takings and State Sovereign Immunity Doctrines

handle is hein.journals/waslee63 and id is 501 raw text is: The Collision of the Takings and State
Sovereign Immunity Doctrines
Eric Berger*
Table of Contents
I.  Introduction  .................................................................................. 494
II.  Fram ing  the  Problem   .................................................................... 501
I. The Doctrinal Collision Course .................................................... 504
A. Takings Doctrine and Tax Refund Cases ............................... 504
1.  Takings  Cases  ................................................................. 504
2. Due Process Tax Refund Cases ....................................... 507
B. State Sovereign Immunity Doctrine ....................................... 509
C. The Unanswered Questions ................................................... 516
IV.   The  Textual Argument ................................................................. 518
V. The Structural Arguments ............................................................ 524
A. Which Reading Does Less Damage? ..................................... 525
B. The Marbury Principle and the Problem of
Constitutional Remedies ........................................................ 528
1. Just Compensation and the Remedial Promise ................ 528
2. Alden and the Symmetry of State Sovereign Immunity ...550
3. The Availability of Alternative Remedies ....................... 555
C. The Fourteenth Amendment, Incorporation, and
Autom  atic  Abrogation  ........................................................... 562
VI. The Historical Arguments ............................................................. 570
A. Originalist Views of the Takings Clause and the
* Jenner & Block, LLP, Washington, DC. I thank Ginger Anders, Michael Doff, Bill
Hohengarten, Howard Master, Renre Paradis, Catherine Struve, and Saul Zipkin for extremely
helpful suggestions. Thomas Merrill and Henry Monaghan deserve particular thanks for
providing guidance during the early stages of this project. I also thank Marianne McGuire for
unparalleled secretarial assistance, and gratefully acknowledge Sarah Waszmer and the editors
of the Washington and Lee Law Review for their meticulous editorial assistance. Finally, I
thank Anne Duncan, whose support and own scholarship helped inspire this effort. Remaining
errors are mine.


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