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1 J. E. Asia & Int'l L. 275 (2008)
Dowry Deaths (Bride Burning) in India and Abetment of Suicide: A Socio-Legal Appraisal

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Dowry Deaths (bride
burning) in India and
Abetment of Suicide:
A Socio-Legal Appraisal
Dr. Nehaluddin Ahmad*
1. Introduction
Dowry system as a social problem has acquired grave dimensions in recent years and
all attempts for a legal solution have not produced the desired result. Over the past few
years, the cases of bride burning have registered a sharp increase through-out India,
everyday, almost every six hours, somewhere at some place in India,1 a young married
woman is being burnt alive or beaten to death or being pushed the commit suicide.2
The gravity of the situation may also be judged from the fact hat the National
Commission of the Women has recommended for the scraping of the dowry Prohibition
Act. It only shows that the reality of the situation is beyond the legislative and
enforcement activities. According to data complied by the National Crime Records
Bureau (NCRB) of India, a total of 2,276 female suicides due to dowry disputes were
reported in 2006 that is six a day on an average, while the figure was 2,305 in 2005. In
2004, at least 2,585 such cases were registered across the country.3 On an average one
Indian woman commits suicide every four hours over a dowry dispute, as per official
data, despite a series of laws to empower them.4
Dowry has been referred and may defined as unilateral transfer of resources from
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Law Multimedia University, Malaysia, The author may be
contacted at: ahmadnehal@yahoo.com.
1 Anita Pratap, Women killed by greed and oppression, TIE, Sept. 11, 1995.
2 The National Commission for women in India in one of its year reports (2000).
3 Shuriah Niazi, State of Dowry Deaths (Jul. 15, 2008), available at
httpY/www.bologi.conr/wfs6/2008/wfs 1107.htm (last visited on Aug. 25, 2008).
4 Dowry Death Every 4 hrs in India, available at httpJ/www.zeenews.comarticles.asp?aid=414869&sid=LIF
(last visited on Aug. 18, 2008).


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