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39 Franchise L.J. 371 (2019-2020)
Just a Game: Adoption of Franchising in Esports

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                           Just a Game?

       Adoption of Franchising in Esports

                   Farheen   Ibrahim   &  Laura   Lewis

Esports    describes   the   multi-
billion-dollar industry' of computer
facilitated  competition,   typically
through  computerized   games.  This
community    is  a  worldwide   phe-
nomenon, with countries such as
Germany,   China, Russia, and  South
Korea  investing heavily in the devel-
opment  of professional Esports play-
ers and  infrastructure.2 In fact, in
November   2018,  almost 100 million unique viewers watched  the final match
of the League  of Legends, an Esports video  game, which  was more  than the
viewership of the 2018  Super Bowl.'  Yet, the Esports industry is very much
in its infancy in terms of organization, business opportunity, and mainstream
   Development of the Esports ecosystem has historically lagged in the
United  States, trailing behind its European and Asian  counterparts.4 How-
ever, certain cities in the United States have robust and thriving grassroots
communities   and traditional sports powerhouses  investing heavily in infra-
structure and development   of professional Esports athletes and teams. One
of those cities is Dallas, Texas, where moguls such as Dallas Mavericks' owner

  1. How Esports Has Created a Multi-Billion Gaming Media Market, CISION PR NEWSWIRE (May
22, 2019), https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/how-Esports-has-created-a-multi-billion
  2. Which Country Has the Best Esports Gamers?, ESPORTS.NET, https://www.esports.net/wiki
  3. Annie Pei, This Esports Giant Draws in More Viewers Than the Super Bowl, and Its Expected
to Get Even Bigger, CNBC (Apr. 14, 2019), https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/14/league-of-legends
  4. Carly Regehr, Is the U.S. Falling Behind in Esports and Does It Matter?, FANSIDED.COM,

  Farheen Ibrahim (fibrahim@canadalewis.com) and Laura Canada Lewis (llewis@canad-
alewis.com) are members of Canada Lewis & Associates PLLC, a franchise boutique firm
located the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Their practices focus on representing franchisors
in all aspects of their business, including litigation and dispute resolution, employment, real
estate, and private equity acquisitions. They would like to thank Ross Chapman and Paula
White for their assistance with this article.


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