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48 Wash. L. Rep. 377 (1920)
Issue 24

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Che Wasbington Eaw Reporter
                ESTABLISHED 1874.

VOL. 48


No. 24

                 Published by
Office of Publication:  518-520 FIFTH STREET N. W.
              Telephone Main 828.
Annual Subscription $3   Single Copies 10 Cents
  Last year's copiies 25 cents each, and 10 cents added
for each year prior thereto.


June 11, 1920.

E ditorial ----------_---------  - ---------------  377
    Louis Hirsh, appellant, v. Julius Block, Trading
      and Carrying on Business Under the Name
      and Style  of W hites, appellee ---------------------------- 378
    John W. Davidge, appellant, v. Leo Simmons - 385
    United States ex rel. Sarah E. McCathran,
      appellant, v. Michael M. Doyle, Judge of the
      Municipal Court of the District of Columbia,
      appellee ........ -------------------------------------------- -   387
Proximate Cause of Injury as Affected by Privity of
  C o n tra c t  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  3 8 7
Internal Revenue; Income Taxes; Jncome. ............ 388
L eg a l  N o tic es -------------------------------------------------------- ------------  3 88

     The Eighteenth Amendment Held Valid. -
  The Supreme Court of the United States, on
Monday, June 7, 1920, announced its decision
in a number of cases involving the validity
of the Eighteenth Amendment of the Con-
stitution, prohibiting the manufacture, 'sale or
transportation of intoxicating liquors, and also
the validity of the Act of Congress known as the
Volstead Act providing for the enforcement of
the  amendment.     The  court sustained  the
validity both of the amendment and of the act,
the judgment of the court being announced by
Mr. Justice Van Devanter. The usual method
of stating the judgment of the court in a formal
opinion was departed from, and instead a series of
eleven conclusions upon the questions involved
were  announced.   Mr. Chief Justice    White
concurred in a separate opinion as did Mr.
Justice McReynolds. The decision sets at rest the
many questions raised as to the validity of the
amendment as well as the enforcement act. It
will be fully reported in an early issue of TaE

   Enforceability of War Chest Subscription.
   At the time when the world war was still in
progress, Mechanieville, N. Y., in common with
numerous other cities, adopted the War Chest
plan of raising subscriptions for various chari-
table purposes, a corporation for that purpose was

formed, and subscriptions were taken by use of
printed cards. Considerable dissatisfaction seems
to have developed as to the disposition of funds
and necessity of payment of deferred subscrip-
tions, and the case of Mechanieville War Chest,
Incorporated, v. Butterfield, 181 New    York
Supplement, 428, is a result of an action on a
partially unpaid subscription.
  Judge McKelvey, of the Saratoga County
court, states that in a case such as the present
it is impossible to pass upon any question as to
the mismanagement of funds, though such might
be done if proper proceedings were instituted
calling for interposition of the power of the
courts in regard to visitation of corporations
and associations. The court holds that the
signing; of the pledge card made defendant a
member of the corporation, bound with implied
knowledge of its certificate and by-laws, con-
stituting an enforceable contract; that testi-
mony. as to defendant's understanding of the
conditions and meaning of this contract was
inadmissible, as there was no real claim of
fraud asserted, nor any ambiguous or doubtful
terms to be construed.

  IN reporting the decision of the Court of Ap-
peals of this District in the case of Simmons v.
Davidge, in our issue of May 28, 1920, mention
was omitted of the fact that Mr. Chief Justice
McCoy, of the Supreme Court of the District
of Columbia, who sat with the court in the place
of Mr. Justice Robb, dissented from the conclu-
sion of the majority of the court, and filed an
opinion stating the grounds of his dissent. The
decisidn will be reprinted in our columns, to-
gether with the dissenting opinion filed by Mr.
Chief Justice McCoy. The judgment of the
Court of Appeals will be reviewed by the Su-
preme Court of the United States, the application
for such review having been granted.

  WITH the permission of the court we report in
this issue the opinion of the Court of Appeals
of this District in the cases of Block v. Hirsh and
United States ex rel. McCathran, both involving
the constitutionality of the Act of Congress of
October 22, 1919, known as the District of Co-
lumbia Rents Act. The court, in opinions by Mr.
Justice Van Orsdel, holds the act in question to be
wholly unconstitutional and void. Mr. Chief
Justice Smyth dissented and filed opinions giving
the reasons for his dissent. The judges of the
Municipal Court of this District are following the
decision of the Court of Appeals in disposing of
landlord and tenant proceedings in that court.

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