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49 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 158 (2023)
Social Studies in the Postmodernism Era

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               Technium   Social  Sciences  Journal
Vol. 49 (Special  issue), 158-165,  October,   2023
                                 ISSN:  2668-7798

              Social Studies In The Postmodernism Era

         Ida  Bagus   Weda Wigena *, Grystin D. Sumilat2, Arif Sobirin Wibowo3

12Education Social Study Program, Manado  State University, Indonesia
3Civic Education Study Program, Manado  State University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email: baguswigena @ unima. ac. id


        Postmodernism  is a new perspective on science and technology and today's social culture. The main feature
of postmodernism  is uncertainty. Humans today are in a condition filled with uncertainty, episodic and dynamic
lifestyles. Changes in society occur very quickly, it is not uncommon for cultural shocks to occur, including in the
world of education. The main goal of education is to humanize humans, so education must adapt to developments that
occur locally to globally. Social studies education has a central role in dealing with the dynamics of social change.
Postmodernism  is one of the crucial challenges in social studies education learning. This study aims to 1) analyze the
conditions and challenges of social studies education in the postmodern era and 2) analyze the fundamental skills that
need to be taught in social studies education in the postmodern era. This research has a qualitative paradigm using
library research. Data collection techniques for the study of related books, articles, and journals, using the hermeneutic
data analysis method. Interpretive analysis shows that the emphasis on social studies learning is expected not only to
focus on  affective and cognitive aspects but also on life skills in the global era, which is synonymous with
postmodernism.  Adaptation skills, democracy, critical thinking, problem-solving, multiculturalism, socio-cultural
relativism, and collaboration skills are needed to equip students to face the dynamics of postmodernism. Therefore,
postmodernism  in social studies education can be used as a philosophical foundation in the practice of compiling
curriculum, materials, and the learning process of social studies education at every level of education.

Keywords:  Social Studies; Skills; Postmodernism Era

        of  the  term   postmodernism   is  Arnold
Toynbee,  with his  famous  book  entitled Study of
History  . Arnold  Toynbee   believed  that a  new
historical era had begun, although he himself changed
his mind about its origins, either during World War I
or as early as the 1870s. Although experts argue about
who  first used the term, there is agreement that the
term appeared in the 1930s.
        Postmodernism     is   a   reaction   from
modernism.  Although  until now there has been  no
agreement on  its definition, the term has managed to
attract the attention of many people in the West. In
1960, for the first time the term was  successfully
exported to  the European  continent so that many
European  thinkers became   interested in the idea.
Basically, postmodernism wants to address the issue
of cultural understanding which is often neglected by
modernists. If modernists tend to push aside cultural
understanding from historical aspects, ignore isolated
cultures, colonized cultures, and tend to deify binary
oppositions,  postmodernism   is   not  the   case.
Postmodernism   actually wants to elevate the small
world, which was  thrown away  by modernism.  So

that postmodernism  is more towards democratic and
open [1].
        Current living conditions require a new logic
or a new  perspective on science and technology and
socio-culture . Understanding postmodernist thinking
is important for understanding various developments
in science and culture which are no longer sufficient to
be  analyzed only  based on  the  modern  scientific
paradigm   which  emphasizes   unity, homogeneity,
objectivity and  universality. While science  in a
postmodernist view  emphasizes plurality, difference,
heterogeneity, local/ethnic culture, and everyday life
experiences. This is in line with the view of [2] that
postmodernism  is a change in culture, especially the
lifestyle and  mindset   of  society  due  to   the
development   of  science  and  technology  .  The
characteristics of postmodern   life are  1) many
uncertainties that give rise to various possibilities, 2)
global mindset but  still based on local wisdom, 3)
situational and diverse identities, 4) episodic lifestyles,
mobile, easily bored, and work tends to be dynamic,
and  5) a multicultural society, prioritizing diversity
and pluralism. Postmodernism can also be defined as a
view that the reality of the world is not absolute, but is


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