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15 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 289 (2021)
The Influence of Education Level, Income per Capita, and Consumption on the Economic Growth in East Java

handle is hein.journals/techssj15 and id is 289 raw text is: 

                                                         Technium  Social Sciences Journal
                                                           Vol. 15, 289-302, January, 2021
                                                                          ISSN: 2668-7798
          SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL                               www.techniumscience.com

The influence of education level, income per capita, and
consumption on the economic growth in East Java

              Muhlisin', Waspodo  Tjipto Subroto2, Norida Canda Sakti3
              12 3Postgraduate Economic Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

              muhlisin.19002@mhs.unesa.ac.id1, waspodosubroto@unesa.ac.id2,

              Abstract. This study explored the influence of education level, income per capita, and
              consumption on the economic growth in East Java with the population included all data in East
              Java. The data collection technique used a saturated sampling technique which explored the
              whole population in East Java. The source of data was from the publication data of East Java
              Central Bureau Statistics which was conducted using the documenter method. The data analysis
              used pane data regression which has been tested and proved to use the fixed-effect model as the
              preference. The result of the study showed that partially the level of education does not influence
              economic growth in East Java significantly, income per capita influences the economic growth
              significantly, and consumption also influences economic growth in East Java significantly.
              Therefore, stimulant testing in education level, income per capita, and consumption influence
              economic growth in East Java significantly.

              Keywords. Education level, Income per capita, Consumption, Economic growth

       Economic   growth is the up and down  economic  processes for a long period which is
related to the government efforts to improve Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  Indonesia as a
developing country aims to achieve better economic stability and equal economic growth which
indicates the success of economic development. The development  in the economic sector was
attempted by the government  to support the society to improve their salary and the equality of
public welfare. In the economic activity sector, it depicts the improvement of goods and services
production, in an area such as the production of goods, the number of schools as the education
organizer, infrastructures development, and  the  addition of financial capital production
(Sukirno, 2016, pp 422-423). The  improvement  shows  better life standards and brings better
changes. Moreover,  new  products with temporary innovation and  moves  statistically will be
left behind (Case & Fair, 2009, p. 323). According to Rudra (2020), the link with economic
growth is the innovations from new products that lead to productivity. The description of the
economic  development  in East Java from 2010-1019 according to the Central Bureau Statistic
from  the  whole  data  collection tended to  be  fluctuating even though   there are low
improvements.  It is because the economic  growth  distribution was not well distributed in
regions/cities which can be seen that some areas experience improvement and slow economic


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