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2022 Sing. J. Legal Stud. 290 (2022)
Delivering Fair, Consistent, and Reliable Sentences for Murder in Singapore

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Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
[2022] 290-308


                                  CHAN   WING   CHEONG*

   The mandatory death penalty for murder was changed in Singapore in 2012 to give judges the dis-
   cretion to choose between imposing the death penalty or life imprisonment (with caning) in cases
   of non-intentional murder. This article reviews the sentences for murder since then and the factors
   considered by the courts to justify the use of the death penalty or not. The move from an inherently
   arbitrary mandatory regime to a discretionary one was a watershed moment in Singapore, and it is
   questioned if the time has come for the death penalty for murder to be abolished completely.

                                    I. INTRODUCTION

Singapore   is one  of a small  number   of  dwindling   countries  in the world  that still
uses  the death  penalty   as a form   of criminal  punishment.1 This 'exclusive club'
comprises   55  countries  found  mostly   in Asia  and the  Middle  East.2  Among these
countries,  Singapore  belongs   to an even  smaller group  of countries  where  the death
penalty  is regularly  carried  out for  certain offences   such  as drug  trafficking  and

*  Professor of Law, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University. I wish to thank
   Michael Hor and the anonymous reviewer for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. The title
   of this article recalls the famous dissent by Justice Blackmun in Callins v Collins 510 US 1141 (1994)
   at 1145:
       I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death ... The basic question - does the system accu-
       rately and consistently determine which defendants 'deserve' to die? - cannot be answered in the
       affirmative ... The problem is that the inevitability of factual, legal, and moral error gives us a
       system that we know must wrongly kill some defendants, a system that fails to deliver the fair,
       consistent, and reliable sentences of death required by the Constitution.
   Amnesty  International, Death Sentences and Executions 2020 (Amnesty International Ltd, 2021);
   Wing-Cheong  Chan, The Death Penalty in Singapore: In Decline but Still Too Soon for Optimism
   (2016) 11 Asian J Criminology 179.
2  Most known  executions took place in China, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
s  See Andrew  Novak,  The Global Decline of the Mandatory Death Penalty (New  York: Ashgate
   Publishing Limited, 2014). Giada Girelli & Ajeng Larasati, The Death Penalty for Drug Offences:
   Global Overview 2021 (Harm Reduction International, 2022) at 8 note that although 35 countries retain
   the death penalty for drug offences in law, only a small number actually impose the death sentence or
   carry it out. In terms of murder, Brunei and Sri Lanka are examples of countries where the mandatory
   death penalty is retained in law for that offence, but neither country has executed anyone for at least ten
   years: Amnesty International, supra note 1.

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