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2021 Drepturile Omului 115 (2021)
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021

handle is hein.journals/drtom2021 and id is 255 raw text is: RAPORT PRIVIND OBIECTIVELE DEZVOLTARII DURABILE
2021 (ONU, 2021)
The 2021 UN Sustainable Development Goals Report examines the serious consequences
that the COVID-19 pandemic has had and continues to have on the process of UN Member
States' meeting the sustainable development goals. There has been a major global health
crisis with negative effects on life and livelihoods. As shown by the Report, progress has
been halted for decades. According to UNDESA authors and experts who contributed to the
Report, this crisis shows how interconnected the areas of sustainable development are on a
global scale: health, economic and social prosperity, the healthy environment, ecosystems
and life on the planet. One of the major conclusions of the Report states that there is a need
to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development that address the health crisis,
without neglecting climate action and contribute to the development of viable reconstruction
measures and policies.
Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, 2030 Agenda, Health Crisis, Climate
Crisis, Post-Pandemic Reconstruction, Poverty Eradication, Reducing Inequality, Global
Resume :
Le rapport 2021 des Nations Unies sur les objectifs de developpement durable examine
les graves consequences que la pandemie de COVID-19 a eues et continue d'avoir sur le
processus de realisation des objectifs de developpement durable des flats membres de l'ONU.
La pandemie a provoqu6 une crise sanitaire mondiale majeure avec des effets negatifs sur la
vie et les moyens de subsistance. Selon le rapport, les progres pour les futures decennies ont
6t6 interrompus. Selon les experts de 'UNDESA et les experts qui ont contribu6 au rapport,
cette crise montre a quel point les domaines du developpement durable sont interconnectes :
la sant6, la prosperit6 6conomique et sociale, l'environnement sain, la vie et les 6cosystemes a
l'chelle mondiale. Lune des principales conclusions du rapport est la necessit6 de renforcer
les partenariats mondiaux pour le developpement durable qui repondent a la crise sanitaire,
ne negligent pas l'action climatique et contribuent a l'61aboration de mesures et de politiques
de reconstruction viables.
Mots-cks : les objectifs de developpement durable, Agenda 2030, Crise sanitaire, Crise
climatique, Reconstruction post-pandemique, Eradication de la pauvret6, Reduction des
inegalites, Partenariats mondiaux
* E-mail: daniela.albu@irdo.ro

DREPTURILE OMULUI Nr. 2/2021 1 115

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