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16 Jury Expert 1 (2004)
Follow the Leader: The Impact of Group Dynamics in Jury Deliberations

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The Jury Expert

Strategies, Findings & Sample Voir Dire for Improving Jury Selection

Volume 16, Number 4

Follow the Leader:

The Impact of Group

Dynamics in Jury


by Kacy Miller

While every juror has a vote in the deliberation
room, not all votes are created equal. Many arti-
cles have been written on the topic of jury selec-
tion, with the focus typically on developing
rapport with the panel, communicating case
themes, and identifying juror attitudes-all critical
tasks. However, one of the most frequently over-
looked elements of jury selection involves the
role of group dynamics. A group of complete
strangers will deliberate the fate of your client
and one of the most powerful elements in their
decision-making process is the way they interact
with each other.

Jury Selection as an Art

When working with attorneys on jury selection
strategies, I am frequently asked about the com-

     Follow the Leader: The Impact of
     Group Dynamics in Jury
     Deliberations .............................  1
      Is It a Focus Group or a Trial
     Sim ulation? .................................... 6
      How to Effectively Handle the
     Post-Verdict Juror Interview ......... 8

© 2004 Litigation One Publishing

position of an ideal jury panel. Do we want
men? What age range is best? What about
minorities? Should we strike anyone with par-
ents in a nursing home? Do we want teach-
ers? I never give a direct answer because there
really is no conclusive answer. Jury selection is
an art, not a science. Ajuror should be evaluated
as a complete person. If we try to place jurors in
pre-defined boxes according to demographics or
answers to a specific voir dire query, we are dis-
regarding the very essence of that juror. We are
shaped by our life experiences, our values, our
knowledge, and our perception of how the world

        [Olne of the most
    frequently overlooked
         elements of jury
     selection involves the
  ro le of group dynamics.

works. This is what makes life so dynamic, and
it is why jury selection is so difficult. It's impos-
sible to predict human behavior with 100% accu-
racy, but it is possible to apply the findings of
psychological and pre-trial research to help min-
imize the guesswork.

The American Jury

The underlying influence of group dynamics is
usually not recognized by jurors, at least not on a
conscious level; most are oblivious to the social
forces driving their deliberations. The ultimate
task of the jury is to reach a verdict that all can
live with. This is no easy feat considering that
each juror brings a unique perspective to the
process. The American jury represents an
unusual group because it is formed involuntarily.
The court, not the jurors, dictates who will be a
part of the group and who will not. Unlike most

April, 2004

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