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18 Veredas do Direito 11 (2021)
Environmental Infringements Disputes Solutions in Brazil and Canada

handle is hein.journals/rveredire18 and id is 449 raw text is: http://dx.doi.org/i 0.18623/rvd.vl 8i41.1997
Daniel Freire e Almeida
Universidade Catblica de Santos (UNISANTOS)
Abbas Pourhashemi2
Universit du Quebec A Montrdal (UQAM)
Edson Ricardo Saleme3
Universidade Catolica de Santos (UNISANTOS)
The purpose of this paper is to verify some possibilities applicable in
Brazil and Canada, with literature review from both countries, in which
the peaceful settlement of disputes is used in the solution of environmental
conflicts. The question that arises is whether the two countries apply
this formula in order to make a proper justice and whether laws are in
accordance with that purpose. In Brazil, Resolution n. 125 of the National
Council of Justice and Joint Normative Instruction n. 2 (2020), allow
the use of alternative solutions of controversies. Canada also allows the
provinces the power to facilitate this practice in order to assist the Judiciary
to establish justice more specialized. This research is based on Canadian
experiences that are compatible with the Brazilian legal system, and that
can offer examples of offense to the environment. In light of the research,
the work provides a glimpse of the advantages of alternative means such
1 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University. Ph.D. in International Law
at the Faculty of Law of Universidade de Coimbra (UC). Professor of International Law, International
Relations, International Environmental Law and Internet Law at UNISANTOS - Masters and PHD
Program - International Law. Senior Fellow at Institute of International Economic Law (IIEL) at
Georgetown University. Lawyer. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5723-9723 / e-mail: da616@
2 Scientific Member and President of the Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise
(CIFILE), Toronto, Canada. Associate Researcher at Centre D'Etudes sur le Droit International et
la Mondialisation (CEDIM) of UQAM. Post-Doctorat at UQAM. Ph.D. at University de Strasbourg.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4107-2938 / e-mail: abbas.pourhashemi@gmail.com
3 Post Ph.D in Environmental Law at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Ph.D. in
Public Law at Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP). Visiting researcher at Universidade Federal de Sao
Carlos (UFSCar). Professor of Environmental Law and Urban Policy of the Stricto Sensu's Program
at UNISANTOS. Researcherat Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais
Renovaveis (IBAMA). Member of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL/IUCN).
Member of Instituto O Direito por um Planeta Verde. Lawyer. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
9533-0031 / e-mail: ricasal@unisantos.br
Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v.18 - n.41 - p.11-35 - Maio/Agosto de 2021   11

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