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18 Cardozo L. Rev. 309 (1996 - 1997)
Finding Sojourner's Truth: Race, Gender, and the Institution of Property

handle is hein.journals/cdozo18 and id is 327 raw text is: FINDING SOJOURNER'S TRUTH: RACE,
Cheryl I. Harris*

I want to say a few words about
this matter. I am for a woman's
rights. I have as much muscle as
any man and can do as much
work as any man. I have plowed
and reaped and husked and
chopped and mowed, and can any
man do more than that? I have
heard much about the sexes being
equal; I can carry as much as any
man, and can eat as much too, if I
can get it. I am as strong as any
man that is now. As for intellect,
all I can say is, if woman have a
pint and man a quart-why can't
she have her little pint full? You

Wall, chilern, whar dar is so much
racket dar must be somethin' out
o' kilter. I tink dat 'twixt de nig-
gers of de Souf and de womin at
de Norf, all talkin' 'bout rights, de
white men will be in a fix pretty
soon. But what's all dis here
talkin' 'bout? Dat man ober dar
say dat womin needs to be helped
into carriages, and lifted ober
ditches, and to hab de best place
everywhar. Nobody eber helps
me into carriages, or ober mud-
puddles, or gibs me any best
place! ... And a'n't I a woman?
Look at me! Look at my arm! ...

* Visiting Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law 1996-1997; Assistant Professor of
Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law, lIT; Wellesley College, B.A. 1973; Northwestern Uni-
versity, J.D. 1978. I owe thanks to many people for the development of this project: El
Gates who had the insight and energy to convene the symposium; the UCLA School of
Law Faculty Symposium and Columbia Law School's Legal Theory Workshop for provid-
ing the opportunity for discussion and helpful criticism; and to the numerous and generous
readers of the manuscript as it progressed. They include Laura G6mez, Rick Abel, Doro-
thy Roberts, Neil Gotanda, Steven Yeazell, Kimberld W. Crenshaw, Isabel Gunning, Ken-
neth Karst, Kendall Thomas, Stephen Munzer, and Clyde Spillenger. Also, I especially
want to acknowledge the thoughtful comments of Mary Louise Fellows, Christine Lit-
tleton, Robert Goldstein, and Lisa Ikemoto, who read with critical eyes that also saw my
message. The work of Professor Nell Painter was also important for this project and I want
to thank Professor Painter for her generosity in providing me with the manuscript of her
important book prior to its release. The assistance of the patient and resourceful library
staff of UCLA was invaluable as was the research assistance provided by Joy St. John,
Patricia Henley, and Patricia Oliver. Research support provided by UCLA School of Law
was critical to this project. This work was also supported by the Marshall-Ewell Research
This piece is dedicated to the spirit of Trina Grillo (USF) of the gentle voice and sharp
insights on the intricate relationship between race and gender; to the spirit of W. Haywood
Bums (CUNY), an exemplary drum major for justice and a person with a world-wide
heart; to the spirit of M. Shanara Gilbert (CUNY), a tireless and committed worker dedi-
cated to bringing truth to the phrase criminal justice as she criss-crossed the world from
classroom to meeting room to courtroom, from Queens to Capetown. I remember and
salute you all.

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