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18 Chitty's L.J. 120 (1970)
Psychedelic Drugs - Who Use Them and Why and Their Legalization

handle is hein.journals/chittylj18 and id is 120 raw text is: Psychedelic Drugs
Who Use Them and Why and Their Legalization
The author is the Acting Head, Psychological Services. and Assistant Profesor.
University of Saskatchewan.

After the invention of nuclear weapons,
nothing has caused so much concern to the
whole world than the -danger of increasing
abuse of so-called psychedelic drugs during the
recent times. The word psychedelic was first
used by Humphrey Osmund meaning mind
manifesting or mind expanding. Later the
terms like hallucinogenic, psychotropic and
psychomimetic (mimicking a psychosis) ap-
peared into the scene as a corollary to the
word psychedelic. Among the host of psyche-
delic drugs, the following are reported to be
commonly used: LSD-25 (Acid), DMT (Dimethyl-
traptamine), STP (Megahallucinogen), Nutmeg
(Myristica fragrans), Morning Glory (Heavenly
blue or Pearly gates), Marijuana (grass, boo,
pot), Hashish (hash), THC (Tetrahydrocannabin-
ol), Amphetamines (speed), Peyote, Mescaline,
Bufotenine (toad skin).
The above mentioned psychedelic drugs have
the potentiality of altering and expanding the
mind or consciousness. The effects of these
drugs are multifold and the effects generally
depend upon the type of psychedelic drugs, the
dose, mental state and personality makeup of
the individual. Some people might experience
a good trip, some a bad trip and some no ex-
perience at all whether good or bad. Of the
psychological effects of these drugs, the follow-
ing can be summed up: changes in all the areas
of sensory perceptions including visual, tactile,
olfactory, auditory, gustatory and kinaesthetic;
changes in experiencing time and space (a
given time interval is experienced as being
greatly extended and to pass slowly); sensation
of floating in the air; changes in the rate and
content of thoughts; body images change; illu-
sions and hallucinations; vivid imagery-eidetic
images-seen with the eyes closed; increased

sensitivity to and appreciation of emotional
context of sound, color, touch and smell;
heightened suggestibility; enhanced recall or
memory; depersonalization and losing of ego
boundary; derealization; dual, multiple and
fragmental consciousness; seeming awareness of
internal organs and process of the body; up-
urge of unconscious materials: enhanced aware-
ness of linguistic nuances; increased sensitivity
to non-verbal cues; sense of capaen : to com-
municate better by non-verbal means, some-
times including the telepathy and ESP; feelings
of regression; increased urge to be close to the
member of opposite sex; concern with philo-
sophical, cosmological, mystical and religious
questions; thought processes are disturbed with
difficulty in concentration, vagueness, pressure
of ideas and a firm belief that subject has at-
tained an intellectual . brilliance approaching
genius, with attendant stunning insight into his
own personality and a conviction that the
dilemma of existence and earthly suffering has
been solved. Some of the derived solutions to
social and world problems may be absorbed into
the general philosophy of the -psychedelic cult,
i.e. turn on, tune in and drop out and love
to all, indiscriminately. (Master & Houston,
1966; Unwin 1968).
People who indulge in psychedelic drugs like
to claim that they fill them with joy and rapture
and enrich their inner life. They call such drug-
taking a soul revealing experience that permits
the individual to discover new and subtler as-
pects of the personality and to distil the im-
pressions from the external world filtering
through the effects of the drug. The question
now arises as to why do people use psychedelic
drugs. The answer is not an easy one. People
use drugs for a variety of reasons depending on


Chitty's Law Journal

April, 1 9 7 0

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