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64 Can. B. Rev. 469 (1986)
What Are Reasonable Limits to Equality Rights

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                        TO EQUALITY RIGHTS?

                                Alan Brudner*

 The fundamental problem in interpreting the scope of equality rights under the
 Charter of Rights and Freedoms is to determine whether section 15(1) confers a
 general right of likes to be treated alike (the principle offormal equality), a right
 limited only to the extent necessary to achieve overriding political goals; or
 whether section 15(1) and section 1 combine to protect the rights of persons to
 equal respect (the principle of juridical equality). The latter view is preferable
 for the following reasons. First, the principle offormal equality is a norm not for
 discrete laws but only for a system of laws and yet it is only discrete laws that are
 at issue in constitutional adjudication. Second, there is in principle no right to
 formal equality, since this norm can countenance the universal denial of substan-
 tive rights of respect and is redundant as a justification for their general recogni-
 tion. Third, the right of persons to equal respect is at once a natural law
 criterion of legal validity and a condition of democratic self-rule. Hence the
 limitation of equality rights to rights of equal respect reconciles (as the alterna-
 tive view cannot) substantive judicial review with democracy. This interpretation
 of the scope of equality rights supports the application of rationality analysis as
 the single appropriate standard of equality review under section 1.

 Le probleme fondamental que pose l'interpritation de la portee des droits d
 l'igalite en vertu de la Charte des droits et libertis est de decider si l'article
 15(1) donne le droit aux personnes semblables d'etre traities de favon sembla-
 ble, ce qui est le principe dYgalitW deforme, principe qui n'est limiti que par la
 necessite d'atteindre des buts politiques d'importance primordiale, ou si les
 articles 15(1) et I se completent l'un l'autre et assurent ainsi d tous le droit au
 mime respect, ce qui est le principe d'Jgalitj juridique. C'est la dernire de ces
 interpretations qui est prifirable et ce pour plusieurs raisons. En premier lieu,
 le principe d'jgalit6 de forme est une norme qui ne s'applique pas aux lois
 separiment mais d tout un syst~me de droit alors que lesjugements constitutionnels
 ne concernent que des lois prises separement. En second lieu, le droit d l'egalite
 deforme n'existe pas puisque cette norme peutpermettre l'interdiction universelle
 des droits reels au respect et elle est superflue si elle n'est que la justification du
fait qu'ils sont reconnus de tous. En troisieme lieu, le droit des personnes au
meme respect est en meme temps un critere, en droit naturel, de sa validite en
droit et une condition de l'independance democratique. Limiter les droits d
l' galite au droit de tous au meme respect reconcilie donc la d~mocratie et la

     * Alan Brudner, of the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
This article was funded by a grant from the Connaught Program in Legal Theory and
Public Policy. I am indebted to Gregory Kiez for his assistance in researching this article.
I have also benefitted from discussions with Bruce Chapman, Stanley Schiff, Michael
Trebilcock, Ernest Weinrib, Lorraine Weinrib, and the members of the Canadian section
of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.

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