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64 THRHR 192 (2001)
Labours of Love: Child Custody and the Division of Matrimonial Property at Divorce

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 Liefdeswerk: Toesig en beheer oor kinders en die verdeling van bates by egskeiding
 Hierdie artikel analiseer die verband tussen die versorging van kinders wat meestal deur
 vroue gedurende huwelike en na egskeiding as toesighoudende ouers verrig word, en die
 verdeling van bates by egskeiding. Alhoewel howe en die bred gemeenskap vroue se
 versorgingstaak me as werk klassifiseer nie, is die effek van vroue se beleggings in hulle mans
 se loopbane gewoonlik om die man se verdienververmoe ten koste van die vrou te verhoog.

 Current interpretations of the best interests standard, it is sometimes argued, favour
 women by granting them custody of children while men's limited access rights
 depend on their having to pay maintenance. This is accompanied by a popular
 perception of divorced women as alimony drones who live in leisure on the
proceeds of their ex-husbands' labour. Yet, in her often-cited study of post-divorce
couples in the United States, Weitzman showed a dramatic drop in the living
standards of women and children while men experienced an increase in their income,
leading to what is commonly referred to as the feminization of poverty.' Seven
years later these findings were replicated in studies of post-divorce economic
adjustment in other countries.2
  Although spousal maintenance and the division of matrimonial property in South
African law have recently been discussed,3 my purpose is to situate child custody in

  1 The divorce revolution: The unexpected social and economic consequences for women and
  children in America (1985) 323-356: When income is compared to needs, divorced men
  experience an average 42 percent rise in their standard of living in the first year after the divorce,
  while divorced women (and their children) experience a 73 percent decline (323).
  2 Maclean and Weitzman 'The way ahead: A policy agenda in Weitzman and Maclean (eds)
  Economic consequences of divorce: The international perspective (1992) 417 (hereafter Mac-
  lean and Weitzman); Bastard and Voneche Attitudes to finance after divorce in France in
  Weitzman and Maclean 407; Funder Australia: A proposal for reform in Weitzman and
  Maclean 143 146.
  3 See eg Sinclair Marriage: Is it still a commitment for life entailing a duty of support? 1983
  Acta Juridica 75; Sinclair The law of marriage vol 1 (1996); Van Zyl Post-divorce support -
  theory and practice 1989 De lure 71; De Jong New trends regarding the maintenance of
    spouses upon divorce 1999 THRHR 75.

Labours of love: Child custody and the

division of matrimonial property at


Elsje Bornhuys
Senior~ Lectuter in Lxiiv University ofthe Witwtersrand

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