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100 Tex. L. Rev. 467 (2021-2022)
Equity, Law, and the Seventh Amendment

handle is hein.journals/tlr100 and id is 509 raw text is: Equity, Law, and the Seventh Amendment
Samuel L. Bray*
The Seventh Amendment requires that the civil jury trial right be
preserved in Suits at common law. Those bits of constitutional text have
long set the justices on a path of historical reconstruction. For roughly two
centuries, the Supreme Court has determined the scope of the civil jury trial right
in federal court by reference to historic English courts. But no one is happy with
the current test. In one widely used variant, it requires an inquiry into analogous
1791 actions, followed by an inquiry into the legal or equitable provenance of
the remedy sought, and then a weighing that favors the second of these two
incommensurable inquiries. The test is anachronistic and internally incoherent,
and it leads to anomalous results.
This Article critiques the current approach and offers a new test for the
scope of the Seventh Amendment civil jury trial right. This test would presume a
civil jury trial right, but with three categorical exceptions. One exception is for
areas of substantive law developed exclusively in equity, another is for remedies
developed in equity, and the third is for case-aggregating devices developed in
equity (e.g., the class action). The historical inquiry that is required would be
somewhat stylized. But it is more manageable than the current approach, and it
would allow judges to determine the scope of the civil jury trial right with greater
predictability and accuracy.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 468
DETERMINED BY HISTORY ................................................................. 473
II. THE CURRENT APPROACH ..................................................................478
A .  The  Terry  and M onterey  Tests.................................................478
B. Why the Federal Approach Is Called Dynamic...................482
A. The Anachronism of Claims and Remedies.....................484
B. The Failure to Reckon with Equity's Exclusive Jurisdiction.. 487
* Professor, Notre Dame Law School. For comments and helpful conversations, I am grateful
to Will Baude, Christian Burset, Nathan Chapman, Katherine Mims Crocker, Marc Degirolami,
Jeffrey Gordon, Ranjit Hakim, Philip Hamburger, Larissa Katz, Dan Kelly, Andrew Kull, John
Langbein, Mark Leeming, Paul Miller, Adam Muchmore, David Partlett, Jeff Pojanowski, Theodore
Rave, Richard Re, Caprice Roberts, Stephen Ross, Arden Rowell, Stephen E. Sachs, Henry Smith,
Larry Solum, Suja Thomas, Jay Tidmarsh, Andrew Tuch, Julian Velasco, David Waddilove, Daniel
Walters, Steve Yeazell, and Stephen Yelderman, as well as the participants in the Harvard Public
Law Workshop; the Equity and Commercial Law conference at St. Hugh's College, Oxford; and
law faculty workshops at Duke University, Emory University, Pennsylvania State University,
St. John's University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Yale University.

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