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1981-1982 Supplement C.H.R.R. 1 (1981-1982)
Prince Edward Island Human Rights Act

handle is hein.journals/chhr1981 and id is 161 raw text is: CANADIAN

Prince Edward Island Human Rights Act


C.H.R.R. Supplement 1982

S.P.E.I. 1975, c. 72, assented to December 12, 1975, proclaimed
effective September 11, 1976, by proclamation gazetted the same
date; as amended 1977, c. 39; 1980, c. 26, effective April 18, 1980;
1982, c. 9, effective May 7, 1982.
WHEREAS recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal
and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is
the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and
is in accord with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as
proclaimed by the United Nations;
AND WHEREAS it is recognized in Prince Edward Island as a
fundamental principle that all persons are equal in dignity and
human rights without regard to race, religion, creed, colour,
sex, marital status, or ethnic or national origin;
AND WHEREAS in 1968 An Act Respecting Human Rights
was passed by the legislature of this province in response to
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed by the
General Assembly of the United Nations;
AND WHEREAS the principles contained in An Act
Respecting Human Rights require amplification;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to provide for the
people of the province a Human Rights Commission to which
complaints relating to discrimination may be made;
THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Lieutenant Governor
and Legislative Assembly of the Province of Prince Edward
Island as follows:
1(1)      In this Act
(a.01) age means the age of an individual if the individual
has attained the age of eighteen years and has not at-
tained the age of sixty-five years;
1980, c. 28. art. 1.
(a)  business, professional or trade association includes
an organization of persons which by an enactment,
agreement or custom has power to admit, suspend, ex-
pel or direct persons in relation to any business or trade
or in the practice of any occupation or calling;
(b)  commercial unit means any building or other struc-
ture or part thereof that is used or occupied or is in-
tended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied
for the manufacture, sale, resale, processing,
reprocessing, displaying, storing, handling, garaging
or distribution of personal property, or any space that is
used or occupied or is intended, arranged or de-
signed to be used or occupied as a separate business
or professional unit or office in any building or other
structure or a part thereof;
(c)  commission means the Prince Edward Island Human
Rights Commission;
(d)  discrimination means discrimination in relation to the
race, religion, creed, colour, sex, marital status, ethnic
or national origin, age, physical disability or political
belief as registered under section 24 of the Election Act
R.S.P.E.I. 1974, Cap. E-1 of any individual or class of
1980, c. 26, art. 1.

(e)  employees' organization includes an organization of
employees formed for purposes that include the
regulation of relations between employees and
(f)  employer includes a person who contracts with a
person for services to be performed by that person or
wholly or partly by another person;
(g)  employers' organization includes an organization of
employers formed for purposes that include the
regulation of relations between employers and
(h)  employment agency includes a person who under-
takes with or without payment to procure employees
for employers and a person who undertakes with or
without payment to procure employment for persons;
(i)  Minister means the member of the Executive Council
charged with the administration of this Act by the
Lieutenant Governor in Council;
(j)  payment means remuneration in any form;
(k)  person includes employer, employers' organization,
employees' organization, business, professional or
trade association, whether acting directly or indirectly,
alone or with another, or by the interposition of another.
(1)  physical disability means any degree of disability, in-
firmity; malformations or disfigurement of the body suf-
fered by a person, as a result of injury, illness or birth
defect, and includes any disabling condition resulting
from epilepsy, paralysis, lack of coordination, am-
putation, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or
hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment
or reliance upon a seeing-eye dog, wheelchair, cane or
crutch or other remedial appliance or device.
1980, c. 26, art. 1.
Construction of Act
2         This Act shall, at the expiration of three years
from the date of this Act coming into force, be deemed to
prevail over all other laws of this province and such laws shall
be read as being subject to this Act; between the date of this
Act coming into force and the expiration of the said three-year
period it is the express intention of the legislature that incon-
sistencies between the statutes and regulations of this
province and this Act be removed.
Discrimination In accommodation prohibited
2         No person shall discriminate
(a)  against any  individual or class  of individuals  with
respect to enjoyment of accommodation, services and
facilities to which members of the public have access;
(b)  with respect to the manner in which accommodations,
services and facilities, to which members of the public
have access, are provided to any individual or class of
Denial of occupancy rights prohibited
3(1)      No person shall
(a)  deny to any individual or class of individuals, on a dis-
criminatory basis, occupancy of any commercial unit


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